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Three months have passed since Michelle got hurt and because of this, the relationship of Beyoncé, Kelly, and Michelle has strengthened even more. Kelly decided to resign from her teaching job at the university almost 2 hours away and got something closer to home, with a higher position and better pay. Beyoncé got a major payout with the court case she was working on when Michelle and Kelly first met and she used that money to help Michelle gain more samples for her designs.

Aside from all of that, Beyoncé and Kelly have been focusing more on the wellbeing of not only themselves but mainly Michelle. During these last three months, Michelle has had moments of depression and even anger towards herself because of the guilt she carried from her past and the recent incident. It was so intense, Beyoncé and Kelly decided to get Michelle into therapy before her mental health got worse.

Michelle was nervous at first about opening up about the incident and her traumatic and abusive childhood because she never truly had anyone to express her emotions in a healthy way towards. But once the lovely dark skinned therapist began to speak, Michelle instantly felt comfortable with her. She has now been going to therapy twice a week for almost two months and it has been really healing for her.

While Michelle's mental health was improving, the way she viewed her physical self was even worse than before. She had even more scars than before due to the incident and it was bothering her a lot. It's one of the reasons that she hasn't been truly intimate with Beyoncé and Kelly because she can't bear to look at herself naked. Even in the shower, she has to stare at the wall to make sure she doesn't look at herself.

Beyoncé and Kelly picked up on this as well. They didn't want to pressure her about it, so they just were intimate with cuddles and kisses. But tonight was going to be different. Beyoncé and Kelly have been waiting to truly love Michelle the way that she deserves. They love her plenty, that's for sure, but they want to show a more intimate kind of love, especially after everything she has gone through.

The trio were sitting on the couch with Michelle in the middle. Beyoncé and Kelly looked at each other and smiled as they got ready to set their plan in motion. "Me and daddy are gonna go upstairs, you coming baby?" Kelly asked, kissing Michelle's cheek. Michelle just nodded as she followed both of them.

Beyoncé then took charge and started to kiss Michelle softly. Michelle instantly felt aroused and squeezed her legs together as Kelly started to rub her legs before pulling away.

When they made it to the bedroom, Kelly was mostly undressed besides her bra and panties. She watched as Beyoncé undressed Michelle. Michelle's bruises were gone, but she still planned to kiss every scar. She never wanted Michelle to feel bad about them again. She wanted Michelle to be confident. She could tell that Michelle wasn't feeling confident by the way she tried to cover herself with her arms.

Beyoncé dipped her head in the crook of Michelle's neck. She kissed up her neck, leading to her ear. "What did I tell you about covering up yourself?"

Michelle looked down. She tried to pretend like she didn't hear Beyoncé, but they all know that she did.

"Michelle?" Beyoncé raised her eyebrows, waiting for her to answer. Still she received no answer. "You think just because you have a few new scars that mommy and I don't love you anymore?"

Michelle nodded her head. She thought that she was ugly now. They've seen her at her lowest, and they will always remember how broken she looked. Who could truly love someone like her.

Beyoncé lifted Michelle's head. "You're wrong. We loved you before, and we love you even more now."

Kelly was at Michelle's side. "You are our baby, and nothing is going to change that. We love you so much Michelle. It's going to take a lot more than a few scars to get us to stop loving you."

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