XVI- pt.1

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A/N: This chapter was originally supposed to be over 10,000 words but that would be too long we thought, so this chapter gets two parts! Enjoy!!

Kelly sighed as she looked at the next essay. It was the first major grade that her Applied Music vocal class has done and they weren't great to start out. She wanted to give her class grace since she mainly teaches classes online and sometimes in person because of the personal things she has going on. But if they're in college, they should know how to write a cohesive essay, right?Apparently not. She hoped the essays would improve.
As Kelly continued on she felt a head on her lap. Knowing already that it was Michelle, she gently rubbed her head as she continued to grade papers.

Michelle looked up and watched as Kelly made all of these funny faces and sighed a great deal of times. Those poor kids must suck at writing. She had originally come to see what Kelly was doing because she was bored and wanted to spend time with her mommy. However, the essays were stressing Kelly out but she decided to push through. Michelle waited until Kelly had only one essay left in the stack before she spoke. "They're that bad, huh?"

Kelly rubbed her temple. "Some of them weren't too bad but I am about to figure out how to change the requirements to take this class. I need students to take Comp one and two before they can be accepted in this course."

Michelle then picked up an essay to see if she could bear to read it if they were as bad as Kelly said they were. As she read, she first noticed the musical choice of Rent which she had never heard of because of her extremely religious background but the writing was so well done and even the slight emotional conveyed made it absolutely beautiful to read.

"Well this one is really good, mommy!" Michelle said, still looking at the essay and reading it. "Really, baby?" Kelly questioned taking the essay out her hand and glancing over it. Kelly's face changed quickly from the stressful look she had to a look of pride and intrigue.

The song choices were definitely unique from others she had seen and were definitely written well. This gave her the motivation to not only give the young lady an A but move on to another assignment for another one of her classes.

Michelle knew that is not what she wanted to happen, she wants Kelly to get done but she also really wants to spend time with her. Kelly moved Michelle off her lap and sat next to her as she started to look at another assignment she assigned which was much better than the last assignment.

Michelle gave Kelly 10 minutes to look over that assignment before she started to get very aroused from the way Kelly had her glasses on to the way every once in a while, Kelly would rub Michelle's knee for some physical touch. "Mommy, are you done yet?" Michelle softly asked with a sweet voice hopefully that would get her to stop. "You're distracting me sweetheart, how about you help me with them and then we can have fun, ok? Kelly asked in hopes that Michelle would compromise.

Michelle just looked at Kelly before moving back into her lap and laying her head on her chest. She felt Kelly rub her back and then a pair of lips on the top of her head and she huffed.

"I know, baby. But the quicker I get these done, the quicker we can play." Kelly said, trying to reason with Michelle. She knew how impatient her baby could be, but she really needed to get this done.

"Okay, mommy." Michelle said, placing her head in the crook of Kelly's neck and closed her eyes. She tried to take a nap, but all she thought of was how hot Kelly looked. She moaned softly thinking about all of the nasty things she wanted to do with Kelly.

Kelly bit her lip, trying to focus on the paper in her hand. Michelle's moans and whimpers were always music to her ears. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly to calm herself. She did that several times before her heart beat evened out.

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