Valentine's Day- A TITPN Oneshot

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A/N: Hope everyone is doing well! This was supposed to be uploaded on Valentine's Day but life was lifing lol! Me and Beymanisrockets  have been working on this for a while and we hope you enjoy it!!

Let us know what you want to see in future TITPN oneshots (which will be uploaded in this book) and chapters in the comments!!

Kelly walks in Michelle's office hoping she wasn't working too hard. She could hardly sleep knowing she wasn't spooning her in her arms in their bedroom. She smiles watching Michelle sleep on the couch in her office. One of her favorite things about Michelle is how hard she goes for her work but she wishes that she could take a break from it all sometimes.

Kelly stares at her sleep for a few more moments, watching her facial movements and smiling at her beauty, even when she's asleep.

Kelly gently picks Michelle up, Michelle softly squirms in her arms but relaxes once she realizes it's Kelly by her signature vanilla scent. Kelly pouted at the way Michelle is attached to her. She sees it with Beyonce but notices it more so with her.

She walks back to the bedroom, Beyonce slowly waking up as they both come in. Beyonce smiled at Michelle sleeping. "She was in her office?" Beyonce whispered trying not to wake Michelle up. "Kelly nodded gently, placing Michele on the bed so that she was in the middle of them. Kelly and Beyonce both gave Michelle kisses on Michelle's temples before falling back asleep themselves.

The next morning Michelle wakes up to the sound of talking. Her girlfriends were talking about something, but she was too sleepy to open her eyes or understand anything they were saying. She nuzzles deeper into Beyonce's chest and immediately feels herself being rocked back to sleep.

Beyonce watches and carefully listens to Michelle's breathing. Their baby was asleep. "She's asleep again." She tells Kelly who was smiling at how cute Beyonce was being with Michelle.

It was moments like this when Kelly remembers why she fell in love with Beyoncé all of those years ago. "You are so good with her. You're going to be an excellent mama one day too. You know that, right?"

Beyonce smiles brightly at her girlfriend. She was blushing badly and looked down to watch Michelle sleep. She never thought she would hear something like that in her lifetime. She would sometimes stay up, thinking about the kind of parent she would be for their future children. Would they accept her when they learn that she has a penis? She didn't know, but she also never wanted to keep it a secret from them.

Kelly watched as Beyonce's smile faded into a frown. She squeezed Beyonce's hand. "Hey, look at me." Kelly pulls Beyonce's hand to her lips, getting her girl to look at her. "You're going to be great. Look at how well you've done with Michelle. You're going to be an excellent parent. You know that."

Beyonce smiles and nods her head. "Thank you." She wipes the tears from her eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too!" Kelly smiles and kisses Beyoncé's hand. She looks at the time on the digital clock. "We can cuddle with Michelle for twenty more minutes before we need to get up and set up for Michelle's surprise."


Beyonce focuses as she places the toast on the plate. They decided to make Michelle breakfast in bed. While she puts the food on a plate, Kelly cooks for the three of them. Beyonce giggles softly as she scoops up the vanilla ice cream. "Michelle is going to love this."

Kelly nodded her agreement. "Yes, French toast is her favorite! Don't forget the blueberries and strawberries."

"Yes chef!" Beyoncé grabs the berries from the fridge. She garnishes the French toast with them and pours maple syrup into a ramekin so that Michelle can dip her toasts into it. She carefully works on her and Kelly's plates. When she finishes the plates, she calls Kelly over to make sure she likes it too.

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