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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter will mention homophobia and grooming.

"Kelly, she's perfect in every way. From her smile to her kindness, I can't believe that she stuck with that evil ass man for as long as she did." Beyoncé said in awe of the new woman she just met. Michelle went back home after a few extra hours of recovery from the phenomenal night she had with Beyoncé after her husband let her know he was going to be home soon.

"I can imagine. I can't wait to meet her." Kelly said, holding Beyoncé in her arms. "Oh, you'll love her! She was originally so nervous about having sex with me and to be honest I almost didn't want to do that because she was so nervous. She wanted me to give you her panties." Beyoncé admitted finally feeling a weight off her shoulders.

Beyoncé gave the dark purple panties to Kelly, Kelly having a blank look on her face at first. Then, a smile graced her face. "I've never had anyone do this before. She's already so sweet just to give me a gift. They're so small!" Kelly gushed at the gift. "Yeah, she is kinda small, but definitely curvy in all the right places." Beyoncé said with lust. Kelly fell back onto the couch holding the panties in her hands. "I want to get her something." Kelly said, rushing off to the room and coming out with a box. She had bought this right when Beyoncé told her about Michelle. She felt this instant connection that she needs to take care of Michelle even before she meets her. "Will you give this to her?" Kelly asked giving the box to Beyoncé.

"I will!" Beyoncé responded excited for Michelle to receive this gift. "Did Michelle do good with you?" Kelly asked. "That asshole never even made her orgasm and I made her do that for the first time. She did great, but she was so inexperienced. Beyoncé replied, making her think about that night. " Michelle probably never had experience with sexual things because of her husband being a douchebag. I'll make sure to teach her everything, just give me a weekend with her." Kelly confidently said in defense of Michelle's nervousness.

Beyoncé loved the fact that Kelly was being so sweet and defensive of Michelle and she hasn't even met her yet. Kelly and Michelle were gonna be attached by the hip by the time they met in person. "So when are you gonna see her again?" Kelly asked. "In a couple days, she's gonna sneak out and meet me at that coffee shop and then at that extremely fancy hotel a few blocks down." Beyoncé responded. "Well that's extremely exciting." Kelly replied back with a smile. "I'm so excited to see her again." Beyoncé said falling back on the couch grinning so much that she made her dimples show.

"Since I can't meet Michelle until the divorce papers are given, what's the plan to speed this process up?" Kelly asked in curiosity. "Well, Michelle invited me to her church tomorrow to meet her husband and to make her husband, Charles, feel like she did when he cheated on her, we're gonna do the same thing." Beyoncé replied excited about how his reaction is going to be. "Oh, Wowww. I can't wait for that!" Kelly said with a grin on her face. "Me too." Beyoncé replied just counting down the hours until she was with Michelle again.

Michelle invited Beyoncé to her church. Beyoncé sat in a pew right next to Michelle. Michelle had told her husband, Charles, that Beyoncé was a friend. For weeks Michelle had been ranting to him about how cool her new lawyer friend was. Once Charles seemed interested enough to want to meet Beyoncé, they moved on to the next step of her plan. Having Beyoncé meet Charles. They sat through a two hour church service. Today's lesson was once again about how much he hates gay people. There was a time where this sermon would cause Michelle to be her husband's biggest cheerleader, but not anymore. Instead she spent most of the sermon whispering to Beyoncé. She didn't even notice when church ended.

"So this is the woman who has been monopolizing all of my wife's time." Charles said, holding out his hand to Beyonce with a fake smile on his face.

Beyoncé smiled. She could see the hatred in his eyes. She looked at his hand and then back at his face. She wasn't shaking that. "Great sermon." She said flatly as she wrapped her arm around Michelle's shoulders.

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