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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING: THIS CHAPTER MENTIONS ABUSE(It'll be a happier chapter in the next one!)

Michelle sat in the bed, watching Beyoncé and Kelly get ready for work. All Michelle had known was being a housewife due to her past. Kelly and Beyoncé wanted her to continue to be a housewife. It would give her more time to work on her designs. When Michelle was ready, they agreed that she could sign up for classes that will improve her sowing. Today, she would work on her designs. 

"I'll be home around three today." Kelly let her girlfriends know.

"Great. I should be home around five." Beyoncé looked at her watch to make sure she was still on time.

"Baby, what are you going to do today?" Kelly asked, sitting on the side of the bed by Michelle.

"Oh nothing." Michelle shrugged her shoulders. "I'll probably stay in my office and work on my designs today."

Beyoncé grinned. "Oh yes. Please do!" She kissed Michelle's cheek. "I can't wait to see what else you come up with. I bet they are going to be beautiful."

"Yep!" Michelle nodded, accepting the compliment. "And sexy too! You and Mommy are barely going to be able to keep your hands off of me."

"Baby, daddy and I are already struggling to keep our hands off of you now." Kelly giggled. "I'm so tempted to cancel class today."

"No mommy. You have to go to work." Michelle rubbed Kelly's thigh.

"No." Kelly pouted. "Where's my phone? I'm canceling all of my classes today, and spending the day with my baby."

"No, you can't. You are giving them their final test today." Michelle squeezed Kelly's arm.

"Aw, man! I have to go." Kelly frowned. "On the bright side, summer break starts tomorrow. Then I get to be with my baby all the time!"

"I'm jealous!" Beyoncé pouted.

"Don't worry, daddy. Baby and I will come visit you on your lunch break sometime." Kelly smiled at Michelle. "Isn't that right, baby?"

"Yep!" Michelle nodded her head.

"You two better! I expect hugs and kisses as soon as yall walk through the door." Beyoncé's alarm went off. "We need to leave now if we want to make it to work on time."

"Okay!" Kelly pecked Michelle's lips. "Feel free to visit me during lunch, baby." She peppered Michelle's face with kisses. "I love you, baby."

"Okay, I love you too, mommy!" Michelle grinned.

"You be good today." Beyoncé kissed Michelle's cheek. "Have fun working, and if you happen to take a break to play with yourself, remember to record it for mommy and I." Beyoncé didn't wait for Michelle to reply. She just kissed her passionately. When she pulled away Michelle was out of breath. "I love you, baby."

"I. Love . You. Too. Daddy." Michelle said in between deep breaths.

Beyoncé and Kelly left for work, leaving Michelle alone. Michelle sketched for a few hours, but then she decided to go to the store and pick up a few things that she needed and something to eat. She was walking through the store when she heard a voice that she never thought she would hear again. She immediately froze in her tracks.

"Michelle!" Her father yelled, walking to her with a grin on his face. A fake smile that she saw right through.

Michelle stood straight. She would not let him intimidate her. "Pastor."

Her father stopped in front of her. "Michelle, your mother told me what happened. She is heartbroken about it. I think we should all sit down and talk about it."

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