Subdrop- A TITPN Oneshot

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Michelle was in her office working on her designs. She had another fashion show coming up at the end of the year, which made her happy. She was less stressed this time around and she was actually making sure to leave her office and go to bed at a consistent time. Probably because her life outside of work was going pretty amazing. Kelly and Beyoncé were happy to be spending more time with her.

Kelly's job was also not as busy because it was the beginning. Her courses didn't pick up speed until midterms, and that was when she informed students of what they needed to get on the final to pass her course. Sometimes, she would have to tell a student to just drop her class because of how bad their grades were.

Beyoncé became one of the top defense attorneys at Grice and Jones Law Group even with only five years of experience. Because of her high position, she is able to choose her court cases, and most days, she has the choice to stay home and work, which she does three days a week.Kelly knocked on Michelle's office door and asked if it was okay for her to come in. Michelle said yes, and Kelly eagerly came into her office. "Hey, my baby! Are you ready to go upstairs, now?" Kelly asked, picking up Michelle and wrapping her legs around Kelly's waist. "I am!" Michelle softly replied, smiling at Kelly.

Kelly softly kissed Michelle as she took her to the bedroom. Beyoncé was out briefly getting more epsom salts and overall relaxing and calming things for the three of them. Michelle got on top of Kelly's lap and started to make out with her, grinding on her lap. Kelly slowly stopped Michelle, making her pout. "Why did you make me stop?" Michelle asked. "Daddy is almost back, so this time, you need to wait like a good girl, ok?" Kelly said, pulling Michelle off of her. "Can we at least cuddle?" Michelle asked with soft eyes.

Kelly chuckled at Michelle's puppy-dog expression and pulled her into a warm embrace. "Of course, baby," she whispered, planting a gentle kiss on Michelle's forehead. They lay intertwined on the bed, basking in each other's presence and the quiet intimacy of the moment.Just then, Beyoncé walked in carrying a bag of supplies. She smiled knowingly at the scene before her and set down the supplies before joining Kelly and Michelle on the bed. The three of them lay there, tangled together in a comfortable silence for a moment, just enjoying each other's company. Beyoncé reached out to brush a strand of hair away from Michelle's face, her touch gentle and warm.

"Are we ready to start the evening?" Beyoncé's voice cut through the gentle quiet like silk, prompting a shiver of anticipation from both women. Michelle tilted her head back to meet Beyoncé's gaze, her eyes smoldering with the promise of passion. Her hand slipped down Kelly's side to brush against her thigh, a teasing grazes that made Kelly twitch beneath her."I think we're more than ready," Kelly responded, her voice husky as she watched Michelle and Beyoncé communicate non-verbally.

Beyoncé reached over to the bag she'd brought in, pulling out a bottle of massage oil. The sight of it had Michelle biting her lip in anticipation, remembering past nights when that very oil had been utilized to its utmost potential.

With practiced ease, Beyoncé poured a generous amount into her hand before reaching for Michelle. The other woman gasped as the slick substance came into contact with her skin, arching into the touch when Beyoncé began rubbing it into her shoulders. The attorney's skilled hands kneaded away at any tension left in Michelle's body, burning a path down her spine.Meanwhile, Kelly slid one hand up Michelle's inner thigh, watching as she gasped under their combined ministrations. Their movements were coordinated but not planned; years of familiarity allowed them to instinctively know what the other desired.

Michelle was sandwiched between them, her body writhing on the bed as they both worked in sync. Her breath hitched when Kelly's fingers found their way inside her panties, sliding effortlessly within her folds while Beyoncé continued massaging her body.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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