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A/N: Our longest chapter in this book so far!

Michelle walked back to her closet to get more clothes. Nothing was looking right on her. She groaned. Beyoncé walked into the closet and saw that Michelle was still in her robe. She hugged her girlfriend tight. "It's okay. We are just going to dinner."

Michelle huffed. "I know that. I just want to look nice for your sister, who I spent several years harassing. I want to look nice when I apologize for being an ass and an idiot.

Beyoncé giggled. "I understand that." Michelle sighed, melting into Beyoncé's arms knowing that everything would work out fine. "I'm going to try and find an outfit." Michelle said getting out of Beyoncé's grasp and kissing her on the cheek before she walked out.

After a few minutes, Michelle walked downstairs wearing a long turtleneck orange dress with black stiletto heels.

"Wow!" Beyoncé gasped. There wasn't a color that looked ugly on Michelle. She met Michelle at the end of the staircase and held her hand out for Michelle to take.

Michelle smiled, taking the blonde's hand. "Thank you, daddy."

"You look absolutely stunning!" Beyonce pecked her lips twice. "Kelly, come here!"

A few seconds later, Kelly came out of the kitchen with a handful of purple grapes. She almost dropped them when she saw what her girlfriends were wearing. "Orange is an excellent color for you."

Michelle blushed. "Thank you mommy." She thought Kelly looked hot in her light blue sundress.

Kelly hummed, "we are such a sexy trio." She said looking at Beyoncé who was wearing a pair of black jeans shorts and a blouse.

Beyoncé nodded her head, agreeing with Kelly. "The hottest too!"

Michelle was about to voice her agreement when her alarm went off, signaling that it was time to go. The trio left to meet Solange at a restaurant. Michelle was so nervous on the way there but Kelly and Beyonce gave her multiple pep talks and kisses. Well Kelly gave her the kisses because Beyonce was driving.

Beyoncé led Michelle and Kelly to the restaurant. If she was being honest, she was afraid for her girlfriend too. Solange was 24 and very opinionated. When they walked into the restaurant, they immediately noticed Solange in her three piece suit flirting with one of the waitresses, who was obviously very interested, by the way she kept touching Solange's arm and laughing at everything her little sister said.

Solange slid the waitress her number. The woman was absolutely stunning with no children and she was the same age. "It was very nice meeting you Janelle. Please don't be a stranger."

Janelle took the paper and put it in her pocket. "It was very nice meeting you too." She smiled one last time at Solange before the manager sent her to do her work.

Michelle was holding Kelly's hand tightly as they walked to Solange's table. When Solange spotted them, she only yelled out Kelly's and Beyonce's names, but not hers. Michelle knew exactly how her night was going to go. She frowned and looked down. She let go of Kelly's hand and hid behind her. She decided not to apologize right away because she needed to make herself small and invisible. She wanted them to forget that she was there. She would apologize when it's time to go, so she wouldn't ruin dinner.

Kelly realized that they hadn't introduced Michelle to Solange yet. She looked to her left and found Michelle missing, but when she turned around her baby was right there staring at the ground, her head low. "Is everything alright, baby?" Kelly was concerned so she held Michelle closer.

Solange glared at Michelle. She didn't know what to think of the fashion designer especially since Michelle spent years harassing her. If her sisters thought that she was going to be nice to Michelle then they were mistaken. She just wanted to see what her sisters saw in someone is homophobic. "I don't know why your tall ass thought that I couldn't see you. There's no point in hiding. You didn't hide when you were being a big bitch to me a couple of years ago."

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