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A/N: Okay, this is now our longest chapter so far! Almost 9000 words!!

This'll be the last update for a little while on this book.

I will hopefully be updating soon! And make sure to read books on both of Beymanisrockets

Happy reading!
Michelle's eyes lit up as they entered the fair. So many rides that looked so fun. She didn't know what ride she wanted to ride first. "Mommy! Let's do the rides first. Eat second. And then play the games at the booth."

Kelly smiled at the plan. "I'm in. Let me put tickets on a card and then we can have some fun! We have to save the ferris wheel for last." The couple walked to the ticket booth and got their tickets. The first ride they ran to was the bumper cars. After Kelly made sure Michelle was buckled properly, the cars started. The women had fun bumping into each other, laughing loudly as they did so. Before they knew it the ride was over with. Michelle held Kelly's hand, taking her to the next ride. They had decided to get the scary rides out the way first. Both Kelly and Michelle almost peed themselves on the ring of fire. They were holding each other extremely close while on the verge of tears. Despite being in the back, they were the first ones off the ride, running away from it.

"Mommy, can I have some cotton candy?" Michelle whispered to Kelly.

Kelly nodded. They walked to a food stand and her baby ordered pink cotton candy. Of course, she didn't let Michelle pay. They sat at one of the many empty benches. She watched as Michelle pulled away a tiny piece and put it in her mouth.

Cotton candy melted on Michelle's tongue. She smiled because she never would have expected that. "It tastes so good! Try it!" She pulled a piece off and held it to Kelly's mouth.

Kelly opened her mouth and closed it once Michelle pulled her hand away. She moaned at the taste of strawberries. "Thank you, baby."  She hasn't had cotton candy since she was a child. "It's delicious."

Michelle giggled, stuffing a bigger piece in her mouth. She didn't hear a word Kelly said.

Kelly wiped Michelle's mouth with a napkin. "You know that you can call me Mommy in public too? I actually don't mind at all."

"Really?" Michelle swallowed. Kelly never said if it was okay, so she would whisper it in case no one was supposed to know.

"Yes. I am very fine with it." Kelly said, putting Michelle on her lap. "Do you mind?"

Michelle shook her head. "No, not at all mommy!" She said normally instead of with a whisper. "You want some more?"

Kelly shook her head. "You eat up! This is your first time at the fair, so I plan to give you the full experience."

Michelle frowned. She knew that Kelly said that to make her feel good, but it did the opposite. She looked down, her shoulders slumping and suddenly she wasn't hungry anymore.

Kelly saw the change in Michelle's demeanor. She caressed Michelle's cheek, getting her to look at her. She kissed Michelle's lips. "Tell me what's wrong."

Michelle laid her head on Kelly's shoulder. "It's just that." She sighed. "I didn't have a normal upbringing. It was terrible. Fun was one thing I never had unless I was at school with my best friend at the time. I didn't get to go to the fair or arcades or anything. I was at home, trying not to get abused. In my closet, drawing designs that I never thought would see the light of day. But you and daddy have given me everything I could ever wish for and more."

Kelly hummed, letting Michelle finish before she spoke. She had no idea where this conversation was going. She kissed Michelle's forehead.

Michelle felt like she wasn't making any sense. "What I'm saying is, I feel like a child when I'm with y'all. Even now, I feel so childish because I'm so excited for what we are going to do next. I want to try everything! Is that bad?"

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