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Michelle has been working on her designs for her upcoming fashion show for two months now. Every night she has been working on designs, sending emails to hire models, and making sure the venue had everything she needed for the show. Doing all this work was taking a toll on her because she hadn't gotten good sleep in a while. She would normally sleep in her office every night and periodically get back up to work again.

Beyonce and Kelly were already in bed and Kelly was already asleep. Both of them had also been working hard on their jobs. Beyonce had been concerned about Michelle and how hard she was working. She was working so much, that she became a little distant from Beyonce and Kelly. Beyonce laid in bed, worried about her girlfriend. She got up from the bed and snuck away from their bedroom to go to Michelle's office downstairs.

Beyonce opened the door and immediately saw Michelle working on the computer at her desk. She stood silently in the doorway, watching as Michelle furrowed her brows in concentration. Her shoulders were tense, a clear sign of the mounting stress she had been under. Beyonce's heart ached at the sight, realizing just how much her girlfriend had sacrificed for her passion.
Stepping forward, Beyonce cleared her throat softly, causing Michelle to jump in surprise. Michelle quickly turned around, her tired eyes widening when she saw Beyonce standing there.

"Daddy?" Michelle asked, her voice laced with exhaustion. "What are you doing here?"
Beyonce walked over to Michelle's desk and leaned against it, crossing her arms over her chest. She looked into Michelle's tired eyes and sighed. "I couldn't sleep knowing you're here, working yourself to the bone," she said softly. "You've been neglecting yourself, Michelle. It's not healthy."

Michelle's eyes softened as she looked into Beyonce's concerned gaze. "I know, Bey," Michelle admitted with a weary smile. "But this fashion show means everything to me. I've put so much time and effort into it, and I can't afford to let anything go wrong."

Beyonce reached out and gently brushed a strand of hair behind Michelle's ear. "I understand your dedication, Michelle," Beyonce whispered, her voice filled with tenderness. "And I admire your passion. But you're pushing yourself too hard. You need to take care of yourself first." Beyonce said kissing Michelle on the cheek. Michelle turned back to her computer, working on more emails to prepare for the next morning to send.
Beyonce had enough of seeing Michelle exhaust herself like this. She reached out and gently closed the laptop, startling Michelle once again. "No more work tonight," Beyonce said firmly, her voice filled with determination as she picked Michelle up and sat on the couch in her office.

Michelle protested weakly, her mind still fixated on the tasks left undone. "But Bey, there's so much that still needs to be done. I can't afford to take a break."
"You can afford to take a break right now.." Beyonce said with a seductive tone. Maybe if Michelle listened to the passion in her voice, she would start to understand just how important it was for her to relax. Beyonce leaned in closer, her lips hovering just inches away from Michelle's ear. "I can help you unwind," she whispered, her warm breath sending shivers down Michelle's spine.
Michelle's tired eyes widened with surprise as she felt Beyonce's warm breath against her ear. A mix of anticipation and confusion filled her mind, but deep down, she knew she needed this. She needed someone to pull her away from the constant demands of her work and remind her of the importance of self-care.

"Daddy! You know if you do this, I won't be able to do anything tonight!" Michelle softly complained trying to move off her lap.

Beyonce chuckled, her fingers gently grabbing Michelle's waist to keep her in place. "How about this? If I don't make you orgasm in say 5 minutes, you can go back to working. If I do, you're gonna come back to our bed and get some sleep and not look at that computer until the morning." Beyonce said making this proposition to Michelle. Beyonce already knew the second option would happen but she still wanted to see what Michelle wanted.

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