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Beyoncé sat in her bed, listening to music. She was feeling kinda down today. She wasn't sick. She just  had a lot on her mind. She didn't feel like she was doing enough to be a good provider and protector for her family. She wanted to spend some time alone to reflect. She had no idea where her girlfriends were. She just heard Kelly and Michelle laughing and talking while watching a movie earlier, but now it was quiet.

Michelle and Kelly went to the kitchen. Kelly was humming and preparing the ribs for dinner. Kelly was cooking ribs, macaroni, green beans, and corn on the cob. Michelle was looking through old pictures on Kelly's phone. The older photo albums were pictures from before they met her. Most of the pictures and videos were of vacations they went on, Beyoncé, and memes, but some of those pictures and videos were not safe for work. They were intimate and steamy moments between the couple and nudes. One video caught her attention. In the thumbnail, it was Kelly wearing a blindfold with her hands tied together above her head with ropes. She wanted to watch it, but she didn't want to watch it without Kelly's permission. "Mommy?"

"Yes baby?" Kelly answered not looking up from her recipe book. The recipe book was her mother's before she died. Unlike Beyoncé and Michelle, Kelly's mother accepted her sexuality from the beginning. She even claimed that she knew Kelly liked girls before Kelly knew she liked girls. Kelly wasn't surprised that her mother knew though. It has always been just the two of them. She never met her father, and has never seen a picture of him. She didn't care though. She was just thankful that at least one of her parents wanted her.

"Mommy, can I watch this video?" Michelle pointed the phone to Kelly, so she could see which video she was talking about.

Kelly looked at her phone. Her eyes widened when she saw the video that Michelle was pointing to. "Baby, I don't know if you want to watch that one." That video wasn't of regular vanilla sex. It was a bit kinkier than what Michelle was used to. "Pick a different video."

"No, I really want to watch this one. Please mommy!" Michelle's bottom lip poked out.

Kelly nodded. "Okay but there are a few things I need to explain first. Can you go to the bedroom with daddy? That way we can explain together." Michelle nodded, taking Kelly's phone with her. Kelly washed her hands and dried them. Then she put her ribs back in the fridge. She could leave all of her other stuff out.

Michelle walked into the room. She saw Beyoncé laying in the bed lost in thought as she stared at the ceiling. "Hi daddy." She said softly not to scare Beyoncé.

Beyoncé jumped, but when she saw that it was Michelle, she smiled at her. "Hey baby. You scared me."

"I'm sorry daddy. I didn't mean to." Michelle climbed into the bed. She made herself comfortable, laying her head on Beyoncé's shoulder.

Beyoncé kissed Michelle's head. "Are you tired, baby?"

"No, mommy told me to come in here with you." Michelle lifted her head up. "She said that I can't watch this video." She unlocked Kelly's phone and pointed to the video. "Until you and her explain some things to me first."

Beyoncé knew exactly what video that was. She bit her lip thinking about it. It's been a while since they've done anything like that. Maybe that could change tonight.

Kelly walked into the room. She could tell that Michelle had already explained why she was in there by the way Beyoncé looked at her when she walked into the room. If she kept looking at her like that, her panties would be soaked in no time. Kelly avoided Beyoncé's eye contact. She cleared her throat. "Baby," she looked at Michelle. "What do you know about temperature play?"

"Nothing." Michelle frowned. "I've never heard of that before."

"That's okay, baby. Daddy and I are going to tell you all about it." Kelly climbed into bed beside Michelle. "Temperature play is a kink that involves using hot and cold temperatures during sex."

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