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Kelly was helping Beyoncé set up for her and Michelle's anniversary. They were making a pallet on the ground so that they would be comfortable lying on the ground. She was rearranging the last sheet. Beyoncé was setting up the telescopes.

Beyoncé appreciated how she didn't have to ask Kelly to help her. Once the last telescope was set up, she hugged Kelly. "Thank you."

"No problem." Kelly smiled. "Just a reminder, I'll be at Solange's house tonight. She's having a few girls over and we're having a sleepover." She couldn't remember the last time she's had a sleepover with a big group of women and just had fun.

"Why?" Beyoncé shook her head. "That's not what me or Michelle want." She said holding Kelly closer.

Kelly's eyes widened. She didn't think that it would be a problem. "I was just trying to give y'all some alone time. It is your and Michelle's anniversary. It's okay if I'm not there." She giggled. "It's been a while since I've checked in on Solo. This will be good."

Beyonce kissed Kelly's forehead. "I just don't want you to feel like we are excluding you." She frowned.

Kelly smiled a genuine smile. If she felt like she was being ignored or neglected, she would have said something. "Beyoncé, you do realize that Michelle and I have an anniversary. You and I have one. There are going to be special occasions that aren't always going to involve one of us and that's okay."

Beyoncé nodded her head. She didn't think about it like that. "Okay. I love you."

"I love you more." Kelly pecked Beyoncé's lips. "But I have to go now. I promised Michelle that I would help her get ready." She let go of Beyonce's neck.

"Be careful," Beyoncé said softly. She walked Kelly to her car before she went to check on her decorations.

When Kelly walked into their house, the first thing she noticed was how quiet it was. She went to find Michelle who was in her office, probably working on more designs. However, the office was empty, so she went upstairs to their bedroom. Michelle was in bed, sleeping peacefully. She giggled softly because of course, Michelle would be asleep. "Michelle." She said softly, trying to wake her up. Her baby didn't move. She rubbed Michelle's arms, causing her to stir and slowly wake up. "Baby, you have to get up now."

One of Michelle's eyes popped open. The first thing she saw was her girlfriend. "Mommy no."

Kelly sighed. "Michelle, come on baby."

"No." Michelle closed her eyes, trying to go back to sleep. "Five more minutes."

"Tenitra!" Kelly yelled, trying to get Michelle up. However, this time she got no verbal response. In fact, all she got was Michelle, making her lie down so she could cuddle with her. With Michelle's head on her shoulder and a leg on top of hers, she tried one more time to wake Michelle. "Mich-" Her baby's finger was on her lip, quieting her. Kelly was powerless against Michelle's cuteness. She figured that ten more minutes wouldn't harm anybody, so she set an alarm for ten minutes before she fell asleep with Michelle.

Michelle woke up to Kelly's alarm going off. She sat up and stretched her body. Her girlfriend woke up and turned the alarm off. She kissed Kelly's lips. "Hi, mommy." She said getting out of bed to go to the bathroom.

"Good morning." Kelly followed behind her. "Are you excited for today?"

"Yes! It's daddy and I's anniversary. You're still helping me get ready, right?" Michelle looked back to Kelly.

"Of course! I didn't come back home to just take a nap with you." Kelly giggled.

Michelle furrowed her eyebrows. "Where did you go?"

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