Chapter 9

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It was a quiet drive there, so I texted Neymar to come around in like half an hour so Oscar won't see him come over.

He pulls his car into the parking lot, and I go to thank him, but he shuts the car off and gets out.

"Where are you going?" I ask, following him.

"None of your business." He says, giving me an annoyed look as he takes a key out of his pocket, walking towards Kristin's door.

"Oh subtle! Real subtle!" I exclaim, as he gives me the finger opening the door, "Oh hey Kristin!" I shout, as he walks in, "Keep it quiet ok!" I exclaim as he shuts the door.

I just laugh, as I walk back to my apartment opening the door. I quickly hop into the shower so I wasn't all nasty when Neymar eventually came over.

The shower was quick. I went into the kitchen to make something to eat, but just decided on ordering in.

I order a pizza and some breadsticks, and they said they'd be there in about a half hour.

Finally my doorbell rings and I rush to open it.

"Shhh!" I whisper shout before he can say anything, "Oscar is right next door!!" I say, grabbing his arm gently, pulling him inside.

"Let's go say hi then!" He says, half jokingly, as he kicks off his shoes.

"Not funny." I say, as he wraps his arms around my waist, rocking us back and forth.

"I think I'm very funny!" He says, laughing, rubbing his nose on my neck.

"Well you're the only one that thinks that then." I say smiling, as I wrap my arms around his torso, walking us towards my couch.

"So! This talk of ours!" He says, smiling, as we're sitting on the couch.

I groan, "You remembered?" I ask half jokingly, frowning.

"Of course!!" He exclaims, falling backwards on the couch, "I love learning new things about you!" He says, grabbing my arm, and pulling me onto him.

"You really don't." I say, lifting my head slightly, so I was looking up at him.

"We've been over this, ok. Theres nothing that you could say that would make me stop caring about you." He says, looking me in the eyes.

I sigh, as I pull myself up, sitting on his torso, "Ok." I say softly, "I didn't run into a door..." I start, and he smiles slightly, "James broke into my apartment, threatened and slapped me." I say, not looking into his eyes.

"Your ex, James Rodriguez?" He asks calmly.

I just nod, "And it's not the first time." I say, as he holds my hand tightly.

"What are you talking about?" He asks, sitting up, so I am now sitting in front of him.

"We were together for a while, but we broke up two years ago." I say, "Because he became really abusive." He doesn't say anything, waiting for me to continue. "Uhm, our relationship was ok in the beginning, great actually" I begin to tell, "But he started getting really jealous, and violent." I say, getting slightly choked up.

"What did he do?" He asks softly.

"He would yell and scream, he'd beat me if I didn't listen to him, or if I talked to other guys. He even ra-" I start to say but can't as I start to sob.

Neymar wraps his arms tightly around me, shushing me softly in my ear, "It's ok" He whispers, "He can't hurt you now, not with me here."

"Not many people know about this." I say quietly.

"Well then I'm glad you can trust me with this." He says, looking down at me.

"Please, don't tell anyone." I say, wiping my cheek, staring at him.

"I wouldn't even think of it." He says, raising his thumb to gently wipe my face.

"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you before, it was just so hard." I say, and he frowns.

"Don't apologize. You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about." He says, "He does, not you."

"I mean it's not his fault either." I say, wiping under my eye, "He didn't mean it.." I say, feeling the need to defend him.

"It doesn't matter if he didn't mean to or not," He says sternly, "The thought shouldn't of even crossed his mind.. I mean, just listening to this makes me sick to my stomach. How someone could do things like that to you?" He asks, caressing my face, as his face is twisted in pain, "It makes me sad I didn't know you before so I could protect you." He says, holding onto my face, as I lean into his hand.

"You're here now," I say, smiling sweetly at him.

"I'm definitely here now" He says, putting his hand behind my neck, and bringing me towards him as he kisses my neck, "And I'm not leaving." He says, as he gives me a tight hug.

Our mood is interrupted by the door bell ringing, and I freeze for a second as he gulps.

He slowly gets up and his grip on the doorknob is tight as he opens it.

"Hey! That'll be $11.15" The guy says, and Neymar relaxes as I remember I ordered pizza.

"Right" He says, as he pulls his wallet out and hands the guy the money, and puts the pizza on the table after locking the door.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you I ordered pizza" I say smiling, as he brings it over.

"You don't have to apologize." He says, grabbing my hand, "For anything!" He says, and I just bite my cheek looking away, "Ok let's eat!" He says, sensing my mood and I smile up at him.

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