Chapter 1

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I woke up the next morning with a raging headache. I was at my best friend Kristin's party last night, and I had a couple of drinks.

It wasn't a hangover, but very close to it.

I heard the TV blaring in my living room and sighed.

My family members having their own houses is completely pointless since they're always at my apartment 24/7.

Thank god that Kristin lives in the apartment next door so I can have some peace and quiet sometimes.

I rolled out of bed and shuffled my way to the living room.

"Wow, I thought you died or something." Oscar sneered playfully, looking up.

"Sorry, we're not all insomniacs, jackhole," I exclaimed, shoving his arm, and making him fall on his side on the couch.

"Remember when you weren't such a bitch sister?" He asked, smirking.

"Oscar, mind you that you're in my apartment. I can kick out in 2 seconds." I warned, putting some coffee in the machine.

He just laughed, as some person babbled about football on the screen.

"Do you ever watch anything else?" I asked, setting a bowl of cereal in front of him, as I sat crisscrossed next to him, with my bowl.

"Sorry, tennis wasn't on yet." He said frowning, mocking me. "But it's not my fault you hate football."

"Shut up, you know why," I whisper defensibly, looking down at my cereal bowl.

He keeps quiet, continuing to watch.

"Are you coming to the game today?" He asks because he knows the answers are always the same, but he always asks anyway.

"I thought you guys didn't play for like another two weeks?" I asked, "I mean that's when it starts right?" I might hate football now, but I'd be a bad sister if I couldn't remember the most important event in my brother's career.

"Yes, but these are just practice games, to relieve some tension with other teams, ya know." He explained, downing his cereal in seconds.

"Ahh." I say, slowly eating my cereal, "The answer is, as always, no," I say giving him a cheesy smile.

He rolls his eyes, "Are you coming to the banquet tonight then?" He asks, getting up and putting the bowl away.

"Now that's more like it. A party is more my style." I say laughing.

He rolls his eyes again, "I'll come get you around 7 ish" he says, grabbing his keys off the table, and heading towards the door.

"Ok, I can do that." I nod, "I love you!" I exclaim before the door closes,

"Love you too!" I hear as the door shuts.

I sigh, laying back on my couch, wondering how to waste these hours before I can start getting ready.

I ended up going shopping to find something to wear tonight. I mean I had plenty of clothes, but you can never have enough, am I right?

About 20 stores later, I found a simple little black dress.

It was sleeveless, with subtle lace all over, and a couple of inches about the knee.

I thought it was cute, and casual, yet formal enough for the banquet.

By the time I got home, it was already 6, so I had to rush.

I was in the middle of doing my makeup when the front door opened, and in came my babbling best friend.

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