Chapter 3

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I had an alarm set to wake up early the next morning for a fashion shoot. I threw my hair in a bun, grabbed my purse, and was out the door.

They usually doll me up and such so I wasn't concerned about looking decent on the way there.

As I walked in there was already some paparazzi which was kinda strange. They usually weren't allowed inside.

I walked into the dressing room and I found out why.

"This smells horrible" The velvety voice I've come to know complains as he smells some kind of lotion.

"Neymar please don't touch that." my manager Angie says.

"Is it supposed to go on my face?" He asks, smearing a hand full on his face.

"Stop touching everything!" She shouts, scaring him.

"Do you want some? It might calm you down." he offers, putting it to her face.

"Just sit over there." She says, pointing to the couch by the buffet table. "Oh thank god you're here." She exclaims rushing towards me, "He's driving me crazy" She whispers, guiding me to hair and makeup, "I don't know how you put up with him." She remarks as I sit on the chair.

"I really don't," I say, blushing as I see him distracted by all the food. "Why is he here?" I ask, as Jodi my hairdresser starts brushing out my hair.

"He called me an hour ago wanting to know your schedule. I don't know if he's a stalker or some kind of lost puppy." She says staring at him creeped out.

"We had a bet, he's supposed to do everything I tell him," I say laughing, not expecting him actually to follow me around.

"Thank god, because he doesn't listen to me." She says, excusing herself as she answers the phone.

"Good morning," he says smiling, standing by my chair, looking at me through the mirror.

"Good morning," I say returning the smile, "How'd you find me?" I ask, laughing

"I have my ways." He winks, as he watches Kayla start on my makeup.

"Why are you putting that shit on her face?" He asks Kayla, furrowing his eyebrows.

"To make her look pretty," Kayla says rolling her eyes, looking at me as I smile.

"She doesn't need that." He says, trying to grab the foundation brush from her hand.

"Hey, buddy." She snaps at him, "Let me do my job, and you go do yours." She says rolling her eyes again.

"Neymar relax." I say, turning around slightly, touching his hand, "She's just joking."

"Well, I don't think it's funny." He says looking like a little baby who got his feelings hurt.

"Tell your boyfriend to calm down." She whispers as he sits on the couch pouting, pulling his phone out.

"He's not my boyfriend," I say, blushing for like the hundredth time.

"Whatever you say." She says smirking.

I just close my eyes as I wait for them to finish.

After about another half hour, we're finally done and I'm in my clothes and in front of the white background.

I was wearing some leather pants, a white tank top, and a leather jacket. I was barefoot, and my hair was in crazy loose curls, my makeup was smokey, but not too dark. I didn't really know the purpose of the photo shoot, but I learned not to ask a long time ago.

Neymar's face lit up as the cameraman started clicking away.

I saw him pull out his phone, and take a couple of his own pictures as well. 

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