Chapter 8

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Kristin was in the kitchen making something to eat when I was finally done getting ready.

Really all I did was pick an outfit and put my hair up, I didn't really wanna bother with makeup right now.

I wasn't hungry so I let Kristin enjoy whatever it is she made, and I decided to call Neymar.

"About time!" He exclaims, picking up on the first ring.

"Sorry! Something happened that took longer than expected.." I say, messing with the hem of my shirt.

"Is everything ok?" He asks, and I smile.

"Yea, yea, every things perfect." I say, "I'm leaving my apartment to go to the cafe now!" I say, and I hear him shout something at Davi.

"Yea ok, we'll meet you there!" He says, then hangs up.

I shout out a bye to Kristin as I grab my purse and make my way out.

The roads were fairly clear so it took me barely two minutes to get there.

I parked my car, and pulled out my phone waiting for them. I sat there thinking about what happened today.

Wow where do I even start?

I'm so glad I have Kristin through all of this, and I'm so glad I finally was able to tell her everything.

But she is right, I can't have a normal relationship with Neymar. Of course not, it will always be hectic. 

There will always be something to do, a practice to go to, a game to jet off to, an interview, always something.

I've had two years to myself, and I think it's finally time to try something new.


It's decided.

I'm not letting James ruin my life further. I'm going to be with Neymar, and it'll be the best time of my life, and no one can stop me.

They finally pulled up, and I grabbed my purse, locking my car, and heading into his.

"Hi" I say, smiling, as I grab his hand.

"Hi" He says, smiling back, squeezing my hand.

"Hey Davi!" I exclaim, looking back at him.

He covers his face smiling, waving at me.

"Lets do this!" I exclaim, as he starts driving.

Neymar just smiles, looking over at me, "Whats got you so excited?" He asks, rubbing his thumb over my hand.

"You" I say, and his cheeks get pink as he turns his attention back to the road.

Davi starts to sing along to the songs on the radio, and we are there in no time.

Neymar helps him out of his car seat and we both held each of his hands, swinging him back and forth.

He laughs his little head off as he finally lets go of us, and runs to the door.

I hold onto Neymar's arm as we walk inside, following Davi.

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