Chapter 4

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The lights flicker on as soon as I walk in.

I gulp, "Oscar this isn't funny." I exclaim, not moving from the door.


"Oscar! Kristin! Guys this isn't funny anymore" I shout out, setting my bag by the door and turning on more lights. "Hello!" I say once more, and someone comes out of my bedroom.

Someone I desperately wanted never to see again.

My throat was closing up, and I felt the walls moving in around me.

"Hi." He said in that ever so innocent voice of his, as he walked towards me.

I closed my eyes, trying to imagine what to do, something, anything.

"How did you get in here?" I manage to say.

"Your spare key was under the matt." He says, running his fingers on the kitchen counter, walking closer to me.

I start backing away, but end up backing into the fridge.

"Why are you here?" I ask as he stops in front of me.

"Is it a crime to see my girlfriend?" He asks, smiling, raising his hand.

I automatically close my eyes, turning my face away from him.

He gently moves a piece of hair out of my face and chuckles.

"I'm a changed man, Mac," he says calling me the pet name I now despise, rubbing my arm. "We can put everything behind us now." He says as I keep my eyes on the ground, "Look at me!" He booms, his hand connecting with my cheek.

My whole body is shaking and I look into his eyes, his monstrous eyes.

"That's better." He said smiling, "Now about Neymar." He says walking slowly in a circle.

"We're friends. Only friends." I say quickly. He could slap me around whatever, I'm used to it. But I couldn't live with myself if I dragged Neymar into this.

"Good. Let's keep it that way." He says, walking back towards me. "I'm sure our little chat will be kept private as usual. But I will be back." He says, leaning in to kiss my cheek. "Oh, and if you even think about changing the locks," he says, heading towards the door, "I'll be paying Neymar a little visit as well." He winks, before slamming the door shut.

I collapse to the ground the second the door closes and just erupt into sobs. I was hyperventilating, and I couldn't breathe. I tried to calm down and take deep breaths, but all I could think about was how he could find me, and not hurt Neymar.

I shakily grabbed my phone out of my pocket and called Oscar.

He was the only person in the entire world that knew about James, and what he was capable of. He was the only person who's seen me like this. He answered on the second ring.

"Hello?" He said, sounding slightly annoyed, I could hear people in the background, he was probably with the guys again.

"Oscar?" I sob into the phone, clutching it with all my might.

"Marilyn?" He exclaims, his voice full of worry, "Are you ok? Did Neymar-" He asks as I cut him off.

"No Oscar no, he wouldn't. He found me Oscar, I don't know how, but he found me." I say, slamming my head back into the cabinet, closing my eyes.

"Oh god." Oscar whispers, "I don't have my car with me, I-" He starts to panic, I can hear it in his voice, "Dani, I need you to take me to Marilyn's right now." He shouts.

I hear the voices quiet down and Oscar's soothing voice on the other end, "Lynn?" He asks, making sure I'm still there.

"Yea," I whisper.

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