Chapter 2

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I woke up very relieved the next morning.

Last night was so great, I'm so glad I had decided to go after all.

But after Marilyn shut me down last night, it just gave me more motivation to go after her.

I stretched my arms out and grabbed my ringing phone off the nightstand.

"Hello?" I groaned into the speaker.

"Oh, you're so dead!" A voice laughed, I pulled back the phone and saw Thiago was calling.

"I didn't miss a surprise practice, did I?" I exclaim, shooting out of bed, and looking at the time.

1:30 pm.

"Noo, but you'll miss more than practice now that everyone knows you're sleeping with Oscar's sister" he says, as I hear laughter in the background.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I say, sighing, falling back into bed.

"It's everywhere Neymar, everyone knows, even Oscar." I hear more laughter.

"No you douchebags, I didn't sleep with her."

"The pictures say otherwise" I hear Dani exclaim laughing.

"Fuck pictures man." I groan. Oscar will kill me.

"How'd you do it, man?" Dani asks, "Everyones have been trying to get with her, but she wants nothing to do with any of us."

"I wonder why!" I scoff.

Sometimes I can't believe I'm friends with them.

"We're kidding, we're kidding." Thiago says, on the phone again, "But seriously, get your ass down here, and hurry Oscar's here."

He hung up and I sighed again.

I went on Instagram and looked at a couple of pictures I was tagged in.

Even drunk, and late at night she looked flawless.

They got pictures of us laughing outside the banquet, and getting into the taxi together.

I admit they did look a little misleading.

But we were there, we know what happened.

I groaned loudly and got up to get ready and shuffle to practice.

Everyone kinda knows when I am within a 10-meter radius of them because of my blaring music coming out of my speaker.

When I walked into the locker room, nothing was any different, no one was surprised to see me since the music gave it away.

But it was an awkward atmosphere.

Like everyone knew something I didn't.

But in reality, I knew something they didn't.

I decided to lay low and just speak when spoken to. 

Everyone was already kind of dressed, I assumed they just lingered on to see if me and Oscar would go at it.

When they realized nothing would happen, they walked off into the field.

Oscar was nowhere to be found, so I guess I just had to wait.

Hulk was the last person in the room, so I got dressed quickly and walked out with him.

I liked Hulk. 

He wasn't very judgmental like the other guys. He knew everything about everyone but kept to himself.

That's what I like in people.

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