Chapter 7

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That was probably one of the most peaceful nights I had had in a while.

When I finally woke up, I felt great.

Neymar was still snoring when I woke up, so I gently slithered out of his arms, and walked into the kitchen, trying to make breakfast.

I was cracking some eggs, trying to make them how they like it, when Davi walked down the stairs.

"Hey!" I exclaimed softly, "Good morning!"

"Morning" He said in his little baby voice, rubbing his eye.

"Are you hungry?" I ask, as he walks towards me.

"Eggs?" He asks, reaching his arms out towards me.

"Eggs." I say smiling, as I pick him up, and set him on the counter next to me, so he can watch me make the eggs. "Do you want to mix them?" I ask, turning to face him.

He smiles, nodding his head, his hands stretched out for the bowl.

I smile, putting the bowl in his lap, holding it as he grabs the whisk with both hands. I watch his face twist into frustration, like mixing egg yolk is the hardest thing he'll be able to do all day.

He looked so much like his dad, but I admit I was kinda curious as to how much he looked like his mom too.

But I shouldn't be thinking about that. Knowing me, my thoughts will just go everywhere and it'll just be bad.

After a while he got really tired so I took it from him, pouring it onto the pan.

"Daddy!" he exclaimed, and I turned around in time to see him jump into Neymar's arms.

"Good morning." He said, walking towards me.

"Good morning to you too sleeping beauty." I said, as he grabbed my hip, pulling me in for a kiss.

"What have you two been doing?" He asks, setting Davi on the floor.

"He's been telling me all the embarrassing secrets about you, isn't that right Davi?" I ask laughing, as he nods his head up and down, quickly running away.

"Wow, he must really like you if he's lying for you." He says smiling, as he watches me finish making the eggs.

"So he doesn't like you then?" I ask laughing, pulling plates out of the cabinet.

"No!" He exclaims smiling, "Davi has lied about plenty of stuff for me." He says, stating matter of factly.

"Oh yea, about what?" I smirk at him, as I set the plates on the table.

"One time I gave him candy, and he wasn't supposed to have it, so I told him to tell Candace that I gave him vegetables." He said crossing his arms.

"Wow! Father of the year goes to Neymar!" I exclaim, elbowing him lightly, as I put scrambled eggs and some bacon on all our plates.

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