Chapter 12

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After Neymar drops me off at my apartment, I quickly start getting ready.

I had completely forgotten I have a fashion show to go to tonight, until my agent calls.

So as soon as I grab my dress off the hanger, my hair and makeup girls show up.

I was excited. I love getting dressed up.

My agent comes over and tells me I was the second one up, so the girls start putting on the finishing touches.

They pull the dress over my head, and slide my shoes on my feet.

I take a deep breath as I walk onto the catwalk, the other girl walking towards me

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I take a deep breath as I walk onto the catwalk, the other girl walking towards me.

Finally I get my que, and I'm out.

I love it.

Walking down a catwalk, and having everyone looking up at you, demanding their attention.

There's really no better feeling.

As I walk to the end of the runway, and strike my pose, someones eye catches mine in the audience.

Those eyes that still haunt me when I close mine.

I gulp as he looks up at me, smirking, as he takes a sip of his drink. I feel like throwing up, but I have to smile, and make my way back down the runway.

As soon as I turn the corner, clothes are being taken off, and others are being put on.

I only have two outfits, and then I was able to enjoy the gala after.

I only have two outfits, and then I was able to enjoy the gala after

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Soon it's over, and I don't see him again. I really hope it was just the light playing tricks on me.

I just take a deep breath as I pull out the outfit I'm wearing to the party.

I just take a deep breath as I pull out the outfit I'm wearing to the party

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So many outfit changes, and so many clothes.

But, I guess thats just part of the job.

I walk out into the party, and I see Dani.

"Hey!" He exclaims, walking over to me, engulfing me in a hug, "You looked amazing out there!" He says smiling.

"Thank you!" I say beaming, "I didn't know you'd be here!" I say, as I look at him all dressed up.

"I'm a classy bitch what can I say?" He says, and I burst out laughing, "Come on! This is your night let's get a drink!" He exclaims, sticking his arm out for me to take.

I smile as I loop my arm in his, as he walks us to the bar.

He orders two drinks, and I start to calm down.

Maybe I didn't see James. Maybe it was someone else entirely.

I thank Dani for the drink, and I turn around to lean on the counter, and I'm face to face with the monster.

"Hey" He says casually, looking me up and down.

I feel all the blood in my system just drain from my body.

Dani looks at me weirdly, then turns to catch my gaze.

His veins are practically popping out of his skin, that's how hard he's holding the glass.

"I think it's in everybody's best interest if you leave right now." He growls, staring at him.

"I think everyone will get the wrong idea if they've seen me walk all the way over here, just to leave without Marilyn so much as greeting me," He says, his eyes shining down at me, "I mean, we did used to date. We don't want them to think there's bad blood right?" He asks, his lip curling into a small smile.

"I don't give a rats ass what everyone else thinks!" Dani exclaims, getting in his face.

Oh my god.

People are staring.

I take a deep breath, and push Dani back. I put a hand on James' shoulder, touching his cheek with mine in greeting.

"How've you been?" I ask, "Sorry we can't stay, lot of people to see" I say, plastering a smile on my face as I grab Dani's arm, pulling him as far away from James as I can.

I try to control my breathing, but people keep staring.

"I'm taking you home" Dani says, pushing me towards the door.

"No! People will think-" I start to say, but he stops me.

"No! I don't care about anyone but you, and getting you home safely!" He exclaims, and I don't protest after this.

We get the rest of my stuff, and he rushes me into the car.

He finally takes a breath when we start driving, but I know this isn't how he wanted to spend his night. Babysitting.

"I'm sorry," I say, looking over at him, "I know this isn't how you wanted to spend your night.." And he just shakes his head.

"Don't apologize!" He says, squeezing my hand, "You're like my sister too ya know? The annoying one I never asked for, but sister nonetheless!" He says, and I just smile.

"I'm still sorry" I say, and he just shrugs.

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