Chapter 6

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It was around 2 in the morning when my phone rang brutally waking me up.

I quickly answered it hoping not to wake Marilyn.

"Hello?" I whispered

"Neymar?" Oscar shouted over some loud music.

"Oscar? Where are you man? Its 2 in the morning." I groan standing up.

"Please tell me you know where Marilyn is." He says, "I've tried calling her and Kristin a thousand times and no ones answering."

I scratch the back of my neck, "Yea, I'm with her." I say, as I wait for him to yell.

"You're what? Where?" He exclaims.

"Something happened with a reporter outside the field and I wanted to make sure she got home fine, then she asked me to stay with her." I said, turning around and watching her sleep.

"You're lucky I'm too drunk to yell at you!" he says, and I laugh softly.

"Get someone to drive you home Oscar, its not a good idea to be drinking before the big game."

"Yea whatever." he says brushing me off, and hanging up.

I just sigh, setting my phone on the night stand as Marilyn switches onto her other side.

She reaches her arms out, and her face scrunches into frustration when she doesn't feel anything.

I feel my whole body just light up at the gesture. I lay back in bed, and she pulls herself into my chest, as I wrap my arms around her.

"Who was on the phone?" she whispers softly. So softly I wouldn't have even know she had spoken if she hadn't slowly opened her eyes, looking up at me.

"Just your brother checking up on you." I say smiling.

"What time is it?" She asks, yawning.

"About 2 am." I say, brushing a piece of hair out of her face, as she leans into my hand closing her eyes.

"I'm sorry I ignored you." She says quietly.

"Why did you ignore me?" I ask, hopefully now that she's sleepy, I can get it out of her.

"I thought I was protecting you from him." She says yawning once again.

"From who?" I ask, looking at her, hoping she wouldn't fall asleep on me yet.

"From James." She mumbled, "Please don't let him hurt me again." She whispers and thats the last I hear.

My insides feel like they've been torn out of my body and I feel sick.


They broke up because that son of a bitch hurt her. And now he's back, probably threatening her.

I wrapped my arms around her tightly, afraid to let go.

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