Chapter 15

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True to his word, Neymar came by around 10 o'clock after another insane practice.

"Hey" I say smiling, when I open the door to his beautiful face.

"Hi" He says softly, wrapping an arm around my waist, and pulling me in for a kiss.

"How was practice?" I ask, as he grabs my hand, and we walk to my couch.

"Just a lot of pressure ya know?" He asks, running his fingers through his hair, "Pressure to score, pressure to be 110% all the time.. It's exhausting" He sighs, as I look up at him with understanding eyes.

"I'm sorry babe.." I say, and he looks over at me and smiles, "I wish there was something I could do" I say, and his eyes light up in the slightest way.

"There is something" He says softly, and I playfully roll my eyes as I lean towards him and give him a kiss. There's no urgency in his kiss, no demand, and definitely no pressure.

He's sweet and gentle, but full of passion.

But.. Sometimes it makes a girl wonder why he hasn't made a move in that direction.. Ya know?

I think I've known since the day I met Neymar that there was something special about him.. and I know I'm ready to go to that next step with him.. I casually set my hand on his waistband, as his kiss is still soft and slow.

When he doesn't say anything, I subtly inch closer to him, and try to put my hand under his sweats, but he grabs it.

"What are you doing?" He asks softly, no judgement, yet, my subconscious throws in, as he looks down at me.

"I-I.." I don't really know what to say.. And even if I did, I'm never the girl to say it out loud..

I want to touch you?

Yea no.. Those words will stay in my head.

He just laughs softly, "There's no rush, you know that right?" He says, grabbing my face lightly, "Not with me" He says quietly, looking into my eyes.

"I know" I say softly, and he just smiles as I put my lips back to his.

But still.. I want this. I don't want to be cradled, and treated with caution for everything I do. I'm certain of this.. more certain than anything.

I set my hand slightly in his sweats again, and before I have time to yell at him for taking it off, he pushes me onto the couch.

Oh. Ok.

He stops for a second, and I can tell his breathing is increasing, as he smashes his lips to mine.

This was different.

Oh soo different.

There was a hunger, and a need in this kiss that I haven't seen or felt from him before.

He has one hand next to my head, holding him up, and another one creeps down to my shorts, as he tugs on them lightly. Hie eyes dash up to mine for permission, and I help shrug them off slightly too.

I feel his slightly cold and callused hands on my lower stomach, as he pushes underneath my panties.

He leans in and starts kissing me on my neck as he slowly rubs me up and down on my center.

I wrap my arms around his neck, as I moan in pleasure.

Then his fingers suddenly slide in me, and I gasp at how amazing it feels.

His lips nipping at my neck, and him touching me like this for the first time.. I definitely don't last very long. His expert fingers slide in and out at a faster pace as my nails claw onto his shoulders.

He brings his lips back to mine, grabbing my bottom lip in his teeth, and I'm finished.

I stay there for a couple minutes regaining my breathing as he pulls me up to him, and kisses my forehead.

We stay like that the rest of the night, and I find myself dozing off quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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