Chapter 10

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The rest of the night went smoothly and I have a great time.

We just stay up as late as we can and talk about random things until we fell asleep.

But I was rudely awoken by a brief banging on my door.

It honestly felt like I fell asleep not even an hour ago, so I was pissed.

I get up slowly so as not to wake up Neymar as I trot to the door and look through the peephole. I see the headlights of a car in the parking lot, backing away quickly.

My heart starts racing as I step back and slowly open the door.

There was a piece of paper taped to the door, and I hesitantly take it off.

i warned you

It wrote, and I can hear my heart beating through my chest.

What am I going to do?

If I tell Neymar he'll leave me. Any normal person would.

I'm still surprised he stuck around after I told him just how fucked up my life is.

"Who's there babe?" Neymar mutters, scaring me as I turn around, quickly folding the paper behind my back.

"What?" I ask, trying to seem calm.

"Who knocked on the door?" He asks, rubbing his eye, as he walked towards me.

"No one." I say, trying to keep my hands casually behind my back, "I was just getting water."

"By the front door?" He asks, furrowing his eyes, as he notices my arms, "What are you holding?" He asks, walking towards me, as I take a step back, and he looks at me.

"Don't worry about it." I say, crushing the paper in my fist as I try to walk to the kitchen, but Neymar grabs me by the waist tightly, and images of James throwing me to the ground come back as I start panicking, and kick him to get free.

"Fuck!" He exclaims, dropping to the floor, and I'm taken out of my trance, "Why did you do that?" He asks, holding his inner thigh.

"You grabbed me- and I thought-" I say, and I turn around as I put my face in my hands and cry.




I feel arms around me, and I flinch for a second before I hear his soothing voice in my ear, "Shh babe, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking." He says, his arms wrapping gently around me, rubbing my arms, as we rock gently back in forth, "Give me it," He says softly, and I hesitantly open my hand, as he unfolds the paper.

I feel him go slightly rigid against me as he reads it, and gulps.

"Is this James?" He asks, crumbling it and throwing it.

I just nod, unable to speak.

He turns me around and grabs my face gently in his hands.

"I don't care." He says, looking me in the eyes, "I don't care what he says or what he does. Nothing he does to me could hurt me more than if he hurt you." He says, resting his forehead on mine, "But he won't hurt you, I will never let him." He says, and gives me the biggest hug of my life, "I'll never let him" He repeats, whispering in my ear.

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