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Wax runs down the bottle,

the flame sways,

the glow on the wall flickers —

we've turned off all the lights,

no electricity except for that

which sparks in our hearts

between you and me —

it's a happy ritual of simplicity

that we're taking up in the night,

eating our meals by candlelight,

choosing something simple

yet it feels so special —

the ways we converse

and the ways we just look

at one another —

"Imagine doing this

once a week with

our children in ten years" —

that something special

about turning off the lights,

that something special

about a meal, just you

and those you love,

illuminated by only

fire upon a wick —

the crickets' song in the night,

we get ready for bed,

cheerful with delight,

and I think it's becoming

a part of life,

those meals by candlelight.

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