The Sky That's in Your Eyes

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I'll feel the sun with you

and stretch my arms

as the wind blows through

and bask within

the sky that's in your eyes,

there'll be no despair

when daylight fades and dies —

we'll see the cold ancient stone

in the glow of city light,

under fabric of romantic night,

where your fingertip press widow glass,

and I'm behind you,

looking over your shoulder,

the cascades of brown hair —

and it feel like my lungs

are out of air —

away then united,

no longer divided,

a whirlwind to get here,

your back to me is bare

as we share this long awaited care,

then you turn to me

exposed so fair,

there's no clouds or rays

but I can see the sky that's in your eyes —

fast forward to our train to the north,

or adventures is woods cold and nordic,

anything else we do or pursue,

or even when we do nothing at all,

and I'll look again

for the sky that's in your eyes.

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