Atlantic Romantic

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Violins and soothing symphony

fill the backdrop of island cliffs

plunging into North Atlantic waters

where green mountains rise

under gray skies freshly emptied

of the rains of the heavens,

and rays break forth from silver mist,

this scene beheld in our midst,

my dear it's you I've missed —

This scene in mind

isn't just a scene of mine

but it's ours —

ours while hours turn

and the journey slowly burn,

because this love of ours

is midnight oil in endless reserve.

We took the hands of a broken clock,

discarded it all, making

our hearts together lock,

learning more in detail

all the ways we're built,

a home of explorers

are you and me,

committed forever, with our

keys hidden beneath the sea.

Ships and cottages,

forests and gardens,

life with you is poetry,

rhymes in the rhythm

of time that flow

just naturally.     

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