Keeping Fire Alive

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Keeping fire alive,

I bring my dry kindling before your flame,

rough and splintered,

to be consumed by your enveloping heat.

I remove the smothering ash,

we breathe oxygen on our embers,

flickering and crackling,

and growing in roaring glowing radiance,

we breathe oxygen on our embers,

for whatever wounds we've ever had,

neither of us remembers.

Keeping fire alive for one another,

and keeping fire alive for God,

keeping fire alive for life,

our flames always dance

and sparks always light,

propelled forevermore forward,

eager in radiant life,

to always fight the good fight.

No matter the circumstance,

no matter the evil that tries to

suffocate the adventure to survive,

we endure strong with each other

in our Creator because that's just

what we do —

in the dark night we thrive,

because we keep the fire alive.

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