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I love how you say

you want to make sure the

"husband tummy" is full and okay.

The deep red paprika

of Hungarian goulash,

Oktoberfest tavern stew

and robust apple cabbage soup,

white wine pasta or

perhaps vodka sauce,

there's so many delights

you make wherein my

tastebuds are pleasantly lost.

Sweet breads too,

apple, lavender, pumpkin and more,

with cider or hot chocolate

homemade —

having your creations in

morning or candlelit night,

with you is a treat,

a delicious delight.

You do such a good job

taking care of me

as I take care of you,

taking care of each other;

loving one another,

and so deliciously

through food

is one of the ways

that you say

"I love you."

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