Chapter 19: Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!

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My gaze wandered over to Greyson, biting my lip. He looked back at me, a half smile on his face.

"As ready as I'll ever be,"

A full smile formed on his lips, as he leaned down and kissed me softly.

A few short moments later, I saw our faces painted on the laptop screen.

"Hi everybody!" Greyson exclaimed, waving at the screen. That seemed to be his signature entrance. I waved too, grinning.

Comments began to erupt, ranging from "Greyson you look so hot!" to "Awe, you guys are so cute," which I smiled at.

"We're here to answer some questions, and because I haven't done a Spreecast in a long while, and you guys were about to murder me for it,"

I giggled a bit at that.

"And I brought along the beautiful Melody," Greyson said, taking my hand. I kissed his cheek and a blush appeared on his face.

Greyson turned back to the screen. "Alright, lets take some questions! They can be about anything,"

Comments began exploding, coming too fast to read. I laughed, looking over at Greyson.

"They're excited," I said, and Greyson chuckled a bit.

A comment appeared on the screen under where our faces appeared. The user-name was 'MylahTheDreamer'.

How was your guys' first kiss? The question read.

Greyson and I turned to each other and laughed. "It was... interesting,"

Greyson coughed before explaining "It was random, we were just sitting there talking about the day we met and... I just kissed her,"

"I'm glad you did though," I said with a smile. Greyson grasped my hand and kissed my cheek. My head rested on his shoulder.

We spent a few more minutes answering questions, ranging from Greyson's new album to our relationship. The fans were actually really sweet, and most were supporting our relationship. It took a weight off my shoulders knowing that Greyson's fans actually enjoyed our relationship.

"Alright," Greyson exclaimed, snapping me out of my thoughts. "We're going to take some web cam questions!"

The brown haired boy began searching through all the people waiting to go on web cam. Finally, he clicked on one. A girl with long blondish hair appeared on the screen, smiling widely once she realized that she was actually on web cam.

"Oh my gosh!" the girl, who's user-name shared that her name was Hailey, exclaimed, and I instantly could tell she was southern. (I love you Hailey! ;3) "Hi Greyson! Hi Melody!"

"Hello sweetheart!" Greyson said with a smile. He was so sweet to his fans and that was just another thing I love about him. I waved and grinned widely.

After a minute, Hailey calmed down a bit. "Melody, you're so pretty!"

I didn't expect anyone to actually directly state something to me. A giggled a bit, replying with "Thank you honey, so are you,"

"Y'all are just so cute together!" She exclaimed, and Greyson and I both smiled.

"I know," Greyson replied, which just made me laugh. After another minute or so, we said good-bye to Hailey and brought another girl on.

(-Le skipping web cam scenes because I hate writing in fillers/:)

"You having fun, Melody?" Greyson asked me after we got off with a sweet girl named Morgan. My eyes traveled to meet his and I smiled.

"Actually, I am." I answered. "I kept thinking you guys would hate me,"

A few short moments later, comments began zooming in the chat, saying "We love you!" and "We would never hate you!"

I laughed and smiled again. "Awe, you guys are sweet,"

Greyson checked his watch. "Well, I guess we should end this here,"

I nodded, checking the clock on the wall. It read eight o' clock.

Suddenly, someone on the chat had said "Can you guys kiss for us?"

After that, it seemed like everyone agreed with them, saying "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

Greyson looked at me, saying "You in for it?"

"Yeah!" I cheered, which caused Greyson to chuckle as he leaned in, pressing his lips to mine.

"The last two weeks have flown by fast," I exclaimed, packing the last of my clothes into my suitcase.

It was our last day in London. The experience was amazing, and I couldn't thank Greyson enough for allowing me to have this experience. London really was beautiful, no wonder I've always wanted to travel here. The sights were absolutely unreal, gorgeous beyond compare. The people here were sweet, at least the waitresses in restaurants and employees in coffee shops. I still count it.

My boyfriend turned from his packing, looking back at me. "I know, it's crazy,"

"Now you have to get back to work," I told him as I slammed my suitcase shut, latching it closed.

He nodded, but his face lit up. "I'm just so excited for my fans to hear Truth Be Told: Part 1," (Incase you couldn't tell, Truth Be Told Part 1 isn't released yet in the story. Leila's just so beautiful though, sorry I'll shut up now.)

I giggled, walking over to him, pecking his lips gently before walking back over to get my belongings. It was silent for another few moments, before I heard Greyson clear his throat saying "Today's July 19th,"

I slowly nodded, turning back to him. "Yeah?"

"When do you start school again?"

"August 11th,"

"So... you'd have to go back to Baltimore like the first week of August, right?"

Realizing his point, I slowly nodded. "Yeah..."

Greyson walked over to me, wrapping his arms around me. "Melody, just know that I love you, and you going back to Maryland isn't going to ruin our relationship. My feelings for you are too strong to being ruined by distance,"

My eyes met his, as I leaned up and kissed him. "I love you too... so much,"

Our lips connected again, but a knock on the door interrupted us.

It was Alexa who poked her head in. "We're leaving whenever you two are ready,"

Greyson nodded. "Thanks, sis,"

Alexa smirked at our position. "You two are just so cute," and shut the door.

You're My Missing Melody - A Greyson Chance Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now