Chapter 23: Officially The Worst Day Ever

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The place where all kids and teenagers either believe is their personal hell, or their home away from home. They can gather with their friends, and gossip about the latest news. All of them laughing and giggling amongst themselves.
And there I was, trying to solve the mystery of where the hell the Spanish classroom was and had absolutely no one to help me.
Shoving my way through the humongous crowd of other confused teenagers, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. If I could just make my way to my locker (which I realized I needed to make a stop at first).
My head would turn from side to side, glazing over the area that seemed like a stranger to me, even though I had only been here what was last year. New year, new adventures. New stories to unfold, you know the old sayings. I felt myself crush against the older teens, and they would grunt some saying I could never understand, but would figure it was along the lines of "Watch where you're going."
Finally, I arrived at the destination of my locker. After finally entering my new combination correctly, I snatched my phone from my pocket and checked the new text message.

From: Greyson ♥
Hey babe, how's your first day so far? I hope it's going wonderful. I'll Skype you as soon as you get home. I love you.

A smile immediately painted on my face. He definitely knew how to make my day better. Hastily, I texted him back that my day was going fine and I loved him too. Now I couldn't wait for the day to conclude so I could see Greyson's face and hear his angelic voice sing to me.
God, I miss him so much.
Once the warning bell banged against my eardrum, I came back to the reality of the day. Sighing, I stuffed my phone back in my pocket and gathered my contents, and shuffled off to locate my classes.
"Ugh, today was so long!" I groaned as I kicked off my Vans and tossed my bag on the couch, barely hitting my target.
My mother appeared from the kitchen. "Well, hello to you too."
I laughed a bit in my throat and kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry, today was just so long and frustrating."
She let a half smile show. "I'm sorry, honey."
I shrugged. "It's fine, I just sneakily texted Greyson during every class."
Mom's expression changed. "Are you guys doing well?"
I nodded. "We're doing just fine, I just miss him so much."
By the look in her green eyes, I could tell she was hiding something from me. "Mom, what is it?"
Mother sighed, gesturing me to follow her into the kitchen. Nervously, I followed behind her like the caboose of a train.
I took a seat at the table as my eyes wandered to my mother who was grabbing something off the counter. Letting out a sigh, she turned towards me, tossing something on the table.
"Turn to page 7." she said in a monotone voice. Confused, my fingers were antsy as they flipped the pages. Finally, my eyes fell upon an article that caused my eyebrow to raise. Greyson Chance Has A New Girl?
My eyes gazed up at my mother, who nodded for me to read it.
"On August 10th, pop singer Greyson Chance was spotted merrily chatting it up with Alli Simpson, younger sister of one of Greyson's old tour pals, Cody Simpson." I read aloud, my voice slowly draining as I finished the sentence. The photo was surely of Greyson and Alli, closer than 'friends' would normally be. A smile on both of their faces. It almost was as if...
They were holding hands!
"No..." It trailed off in a horsely whisper, my eyes glancing up to meet my mothers sad eyes.
"I'm sorry sweetie, I know it hurts..."
I stood up and yanked my phone from my pocket, texting Greyson "Skype. Now."
Without another word, I clutched the magazine in my hand and my phone in the other, and marched upstairs to my room.
After clicking on my Skype icon and called Greyson, he answered and his face lit up my computer screen. A smile was plastered on his face.
"Hi sweetie!" He said cheerily. "How was your-"
"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, cutting him off more harshly than I intended. His face softened as he appeared confused.
"Tell you what?"
I held the magazine page up to the webcam, showing him more of the title and photo more than anything. "That you moved on to Alli Simpson?"
Greyson stayed silent once I removed the photo from his sight. "That's not true, that's-"
"Why are you guys holding hands then?!" I snapped, feeling my heart slowly breaking.
"We went out for coffee, I haven't seen her months!" Greyson defended himself.
I flipped the page, and my eyes saw another photo. "And here's one of you hugging."
I showed him. "It looks like the hug you would give me. Why is that Greyson?"
"Melody, I swear, I would never-"
"Save it. I don't know what to believe." I cut him off again, feeling bad for it but quickly washed the feeling off. "This isn't gonna work Greyson."
"Melody, what are you saying?" His voice sounded like he was on the verge of tears. At that moment I could feel the tears burning behind my eyes as well, but fought to hide them back.
"I'm saying... We're done Greyson."
Greyson looked shocked... And hurt. "Are you serious?"
"Greyson, how will I know that you haven't found another girl, like Alli?" I couldn't think of anything at the moment, I just kept feeling lumps form in my throat which I would swallow down.
Greyson's voice grew stronger, but there was still a hint of sadness hidden in there. "If that's your final thought on it... Then goodbye Melody."
The call ended.
I felt my grip on the J-14 in my hand loosen and fall to the floor. Shakily, I got up and flopped on my bed, feeling the dam behind my eyes burst and allowed the waterfall of tears to cascade down my face. I could feel my body shaking violently as I cried the hardest I ever had in my life.
I just lost the boy I loved the most.

You're My Missing Melody - A Greyson Chance Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now