Chapter 21: You've Got Yourself A Fan

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The brick house that appeared as a stranger to me was before my eyes again. It's been three months since I had stepped a foot in this house. It almost reminded me of when we first moved in when I was around five. I basically grew up in this house. That was another reason I loved it so much.
The three of us stepped into the house, our feet squishing in the dark carpeting, which was much different from Kendra's wood flooring. I led Greyson down the hall to my room as my mother headed towards the kitchen, where we told her we would meet her. The blue walls of the room I claimed as my own surrounded us, and a smile formed on my lips as I officially realized I was home. Strangely, my official room and my guest room in California were somehow similar. With the blue walls and the black desk in the corner I used for my laptop. Everything was just as I had remembered leaving it.
Greyson sat my suitcase down by the door of my closet, then sat down on my bed. I repeated his action and sat down next to him.
"Does it feel good to be home?" Greyson asked, his eyes wandering around my room. I smiled again.
"Yeah, the phrase 'Home Sweet Home.' kicks in well at this moment." Greyson chuckled lightly and kissed my cheek. "We should go meet with my mom and explain to her everything; I'm sure she's dying for stories of what happened in California."
Greyson nodded his head, took his hand in mine, and we made our way to the kitchen, where my mother was preparing drinks for the three of us. Greyson and I sat down at the kitchen table as she sat the drinks down.
As she sat down as well, she said "So, I want to know everything that happened! Like, how did you two meet?"
I giggled at my mom's enthusiasm. Together, Greyson and I strolled down memory lane and told the tale of our adventures in Los Angelus. My mother listened to every detail, smiling the whole time it was being told.
"So, you two are a couple?" She questioned. Greyson nodded happily, wrapping his arm around me and kissing my cheek. It was like his trademark thing to do when we informed someone we were together.
"That's so adorable!" She turned her attention to me. "Looks like your wish came true, huh?"
"Mom..." I growled, looking down at the table as the blush spread across my cheeks.
My mother completely ignored me and continued on. "She used to blare your CD every day, always saying how you would sing to her at your guys' wedding-"
"Really mom?!" I exclaimed, glancing over at Greyson. He was laughing, and looked over at me.
"I think it's adorable." He said, pressing his lips to my forehead. I just felt my cheeks burning again and smiled a bit.
"I'm sorry, honey, I was just playing around." My mom cut in. "I've just missed my daughter, that's all."
"I love you too, mom."
There honestly wasn't much excitement in the city of Baltimore. Except downtown. I always loved the downtown area. It was nothing like LA or Camden Town, obviously, but I still enjoyed it.
Greyson and I walked hand in hand down the busy sidewalk to Starbucks. I asked him if he was afraid of being seen my fans, but he shrugged and smiled. "I love my fans." He simply said.
Once we reached our destination, Greyson ordered us some drinks and we sat down in a booth in the corner.
"So, this is your hometown." Greyson said, and I just nodded.
"Nothing exciting, I know."
Greyson shrugged. "Every city has an adventure of its own."
"Excuse me?"
Greyson and I turned our heads to meet a girl who looked maybe around our age with dark hair and bright eyes. She was holding a little girls hand who looked around five or six. Her brown hair was in braids. She was a little cutie.
"I'm so sorry to bother you, but my sister and I are big fans of your music." The older girl explained, and Greyson smiled.
"Thank you, sweetheart."
"Could we possibly get a picture?"
Greyson glanced over at me and I smiled, mouthing "it's fine, go ahead."
Greyson smiled. "Of course."
The older girl pulled out her phone. I joined in. "If you'd like, I can take it."
She smiled. "Thank you, wait your Melody."
I smiled. "That's me,"
The younger girl looked up at me, her face lighting up. She looked like she wanted to say something, but held it back.
I took the phone from the older girl as the two posed with Greyson for the picture. After taking it, I handed the phone back to the girl. Right when they were about to leave, the little girl finally spoke up. "I wanna picture with Melody."
I was a little surprised as the two girls and Greyson looked at me. My boyfriend had a proud smile on his face.
Her sister spoke up. "Do you mind?"
"Not at all."
She got out her phone as the little girl came over to me. "I think your really pretty."
"Thank you, sweetie."
"I think so too," Greyson said from his position sitting in the booth.
The smaller girl wrapped her arms around me in a hug, and I smiled and leaned down, hugging her back with a smile. Her sister snapped a photo, thanked Greyson and I, and the two walked away.
As I sat down, Greyson just looked at me. "What?"
"You've got yourself a fan." He said simply with a smirk.
A giggle surpassed my lips. "I don't think I'd consider her a 'fan' Greyson."
"Whatever you say, honey."

You're My Missing Melody - A Greyson Chance Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now