Chapter 24: One In A Million

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Just so were all clear, this chapter is in GREYSON'S POV. Enjoy!
To think, I had a gorgeous girl who made my heart soar when she was near. Who made my day brighter when it turned out to be horrible. Who made me feel like the luckiest boy in the universe to be able to call her mine.
And I let her walk out of my life that easily.
Nothing's felt the same since our break up. My heart felt shattered, like it had so long ago when I was piecing together Hold On 'Til The Night. She had washed away all the morbid feelings I had felt. She had brought the sunshine back in where my ex girlfriend had taken it away. How could I have just simply agreed to let her leave? It's all Alli's fault. She grabbed my hand. She must have seen the cameras and wanted to make a scene. Maybe she truly wasn't who I thought she was (I'm sorry, I don't like Alli Simpson xD)
I never felt as strongly about someone as I do with Melody. I still love her, and I don't think that can change. I wish she knew that. I wish I could hold her against me and sing softly in her ear. I knew she always enjoyed that.
Maybe she still felt something towards me. But it was mostly a one in a million chance. God, I'm such an idiot!
A knock was on the door. "Greyson?"
"Come in." I said, and I had to clear my throat afterwards. I heard the door open and close gently, but didn't even bother looking back from my position on the piano bench. My hands played the keys to "Heart Like Stone" slowly, and out of beat.
Someone sat down beside me on the piano bench and wrapped their arms around me. It was Alexa; I could tell by her perfume, as strange as that sounds.
A sigh blew from my lips as I lay my head on her shoulder. She knew when I was hurting. She did the same thing when my heart was broken before.
"I know you're hurting, Greyson." She said softly. "But it's been three weeks."
"I know it has been." I said. "And it hurts more each day."
Alexa stayed silent for a moment. "You really love her don't you?"
I nodded. "More than anyone could possibly comprehend."
I bit my lip as I felt the tears burn behind my eyes again. I felt like such a wimp, wanting to break down. But could anyone blame me? I lost the one girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I may be fifteen, but I guess you can't argue with love.
"Then go get her."
I pulled away from her hold on my and looked at her. The look in her brown eyes was an understanding one. Like she could relate to my feelings somehow.
"How?" I asked, my eyes falling to the piano keys. "She probably hates me now."
"How will you positively know if you don't find out?" Alexa questioned me. She did have a point.
"But I'm booked in the studio all this week." I sighed.
Alexa looked at me. "I'm sure if you talk to Ellen she'll understand and she will talk to Stacie for you."
Would they really let me go? But what if I went, and Melody didn't forgive me? I would be crushed.
But Alexa had a point. How would I absolutely be certain of it if you didn't find out for yourself.
Letting out a quiet sigh, I stood up from the bench and made my way to the door.
"Where are you going?" Alexa asked.
I turned around. "To go call Ellen."
"So you and Melody broke up?" Ellen asked in a disappointed voice. Slowly, I nodded. I hated being able to approve that Melody was no longer my girlfriend.
"I'm so sorry buddy." She said, placing a hand on my knee. "You two were so adorable together though."
"I want her back." I whispered, looking out the window of Ellen's living room. It wasn't very often Ellen and I actually talked like this, but I knew she would always be there for me. I needed her advice for this, so I called her and she said to come over.
"Go chase her down then." Ellen encouraged. "If you want something, Greyson, you've gotta chase it."
My head turned back to meet her. "But what if she doesn't accept my apology? What if she hates me?"
"How will you know if you don't find out?"
"That's what everyone is seeming to say..."
In the back off my mind I felt bad for blabbering off to her, but I appreciated the advice they were giving me. I've had sour breakups, but this one left me more torn than I've ever felt before. Maybe it was a sign...
That she truly was the one.
"But say I do fly out there, how would I talk to her?" I asked. "I don't think it would be proper just to waltz up to her and say 'you probably hate me, but I love you and want you back.'"
Ellen chuckled lightly. "Don't approach the problem like that. Be creative about it."
"Like, how would you write a song like this? Allow your lyrics to become the reality of the situation." Ellen explained.
I nodded, soaking in what she just said. Make my lyrics come to life... how could I do that exactly?
Suddenly, an idea was painted in my mind and I smiled.
"Ellen, I'm going to need you to call up Michael and Stacie, get me in the studio... And after that I'll need about a week off."
Ellen chuckled at my sudden burst of energy and patted my back. "Whatever you need, pal."
Ellen pulled out her phone from her pocket and started dialing. My eyes watched her as she talked on the phone, looking like a business woman, making important calls and rushing around. I chuckled under my breath a bit.
Let's just hope this turns out as it's drawn in my head.

You're My Missing Melody - A Greyson Chance Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now