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It was almost as if I was reliving the summer. Living with Kendra and being here with Greyson...it was truly amazing. Of course, I had my mom here now, but it just made it better. I had all the family I had, and needed, right here with me.
Mom pitched her designs to the head of the company, which they loved and wanted to hire her to work out in California. It was a larger state, so she would get more business there than she would in Maryland. Immediately, I approved of The beautiful city of Los Angeles being my new resigned home.
We're been here for almost four months; we flew most of our belongings out here. Debating whether or not for mom and I to get our own place, we just decided to live with Kendra. She had the space, and it would save us money. Plus, I got to be closer to Greyson, which was a plus.
Speaking of that Oklahoma boy. We've been stronger than ever since our few week breakup. Greyson and I have been together for about 7 months; we don't really count our stupid little argument. Greyson's fans, his family, and mine all fully supported our relationship, and that was all I could ask.
I transferred to online schooling. Greyson recommended it, figuring it would be easier for me. I've come to discover I've found myself happier in California than I was in Maryland. I've met some of the people Greyson was acquainted with, and they all seemed to enjoy me. For once, I felt like an equal, and not an outcast.
It was May now, and the weather was a bit breezy but beautiful. The sun still shone high in the sky, and I allowed it to soak into my skin. LA was always beautiful, even when it rained. The Chance's were having a family barbecue, and Kendra, my mom, and I all tagged along. Lisa and my mother seemed to click with a friendship very smoothly. Then again, my mom and Kendra were a lot a like, so it's no wonder since Lisa and Kendra are best friends.
Greyson and I sat at the edge of the pool. Our feet dangled in the water, and I loved the cool liquid against my skin. His hand was over mine. The sounds of the rest of the family behind us filled our ears and I smiled.
"I love being able to do stuff like this with you," Greyson said, kicking his foot a little bit, causing water to ripple slightly.
I smiled. "Me too, Greyson."
"It's still kind of crazy to believe you actually live here now," he whispered, looking out towards the back fence. "This is your home now."
"I know, it is for me too." I replied, looking down at the water. "Never in a million years did I think this would be where I live... at least not until I was old enough."
Even though I wasn't directly facing him, I could see that Greyson turned his head to face me. "You wanted to move here?"
I shrugged a but, nodding. "Yeah, I mean... I had so much fun here in the summer, and I realized that LA just seemed more... for me than Baltimore did."
"What do you mean?"
"Like, I didn't have anything really special there. Not many people even knew I was alive and I sat alone most days. As soon as I came here, I became best friends with you and my life just changed for the better. Life-alternating things have happened here, Greyson. I just want to see what else it has in store for me."
Greyson chuckled lightly under his breath before kissing my cheek. "I love you."
Another smile formed on my lips, and I leaned in to give him a kiss Greyson shoved me into the water. Letting out a squeal, I arose from the water to find Greyson chuckling. He asked me if I was okay, which I just laughed and nodded. He reached his hand out to help me out, but I turned it on him and pulled him in with me. The Chance's and my side of the family laughed.
I swam around to try and find Greyson, but it appeared as if he hasn't came above yet. As I was about to dive under, two strong arms wrapped around my waist and spun me around, causing me to squeal. Again, the rest of them laughed at us.
"You two are seriously adorable." Alexa commented. I blushed as the rest of the girls agreed. Tanner and Scott just smirked and chuckled.
Most days seemed to be like this. All of us just laughing and enjoying each others company. It was like they all were my family. Most of my life it was just my mom and I. My dad was never around; he left when I was three and my mom never told me why. For years I've never brought it up, but was always so curious to know what he was like.
Everyday just seemed to be full of felicity. Even if it was just I at the Chance's or Greyson over at my apartment. We all seemed to treat each other more of equals. It was like, for once I didn't feel so alone. I loved the new lifestyle Greyson has provided me, and I wouldn't change it for the world.
In the back of my mind, I knew that our adventures had just begun. Even though it was like I kept asking myself "what else could possibly happen?" though that could be solved with multiple scenarios. It was like watching a brand new movie; you kept wondering what would happen next.
Hop aboard the train of my life and we'll travel it together.

You're My Missing Melody - A Greyson Chance Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now