Chapter 15: Here Goes Nothin'

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Greyson ended up taking me boat riding, which he undoubtedly knew I've always wanted to do. Being from the small town of Baltimore, there were never many activities to do there; that's just another reason why I adored LA. Tons of activities to do, so many lists you could create of all the things you could do. LA certainly was no Baltimore.
Whenever I'm occasionally rummaging through the thoughts in my head, I always come across the though of, what if this was my permanent home? I mean, I've never been outside of my hometown to know anywhere else besides here, but I wasn't missing much, besides my family. I never had many friends in school, but here I at least had Greyson, his family, and my aunt. And possibly the Enchancers, if they actually approved us being together.
We went out on the coast of the ocean, Greyson rented one of those peddle boats I've always heard of but never experienced. We sat across from each other, peddling to control our movement. Our laughter filling the breezy air as we were playfully argue over which direction to go. I would catch myself getting lost in Greyson's eyes. I've truly never met anyone like him. I still haven't figured out why he treats me the way he does. Always complimenting me, wanting to spend time with me. No boy has ever treated me the way Greyson does. But, no boy has ever made me feel the way this chocolate-eyes pop-star does. Just the thought of him makes my heart pound, butterflies fill my stomach. His kisses like candy. I don't know what I did to deserve a boy like him. It seems like yesterday I was just a fangirl, sitting in her room, tears about to break from her eyes when he had a new music video out. Now, here I was, four weeks into a relationship with him and currently on a date.
"Melody?" His voice breaking me from my memory time travel. "Whatcha thinking about?"
"Oh, nothing," I said with a small smile.
The stars eventually poked out and sprinkled throughout the sky. We decided that we should get back to shore. After Greyson returned the boat, he made a spot on the now deserted beach, watching the stars above us.
"Isn't it beautiful?" I asked.
"Not as beautiful as you,"
As cheesy as the comment was, a blush still spread across my cheeks.
"You're such a tacky flirt," I said with a giggle. Greyson just looked down at me with a smile. We were cuddling on the sand, his arm around me and I was resting my head on his chest. Original, I know, but hey, it was comfortable.
Out of nowhere, "Sunshine & City Lights" popped into my head, and I, without thinking, started to hum it.
Greyson turned his head. I could practically feel the smirk on his face. "Are your humming SCL?
I giggled and sat up. "Yes, yes I am,"
Greyson sat up as well and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder.
"You outta know, that I'll never let you go," he sang lightly in my ear. I smiled, turned my head and kissed his cheek.
"Why are you so nice to me?" I asked, resting my hands on his.
"Because you deserve it," he replied. "And you don't do anything to show that you need to be treated poorly,"
"I don't deserve you, you know that?" I asked, to which he just chuckled and kissed my cheek.
For a minute, we just sat there in silence, watching as the waves rolled in. I wanted to stay here forever, wrapped in his arms. It was a picture perfect moment.
"Melody?" Greyson broke the silence.
"I love you,"
That was the first time Greyson has actually said that. He's said it in a joking tone once or twice, but not in a real serious matter. My heart began to pound rapidly.
"Really?" I said, turning in Greyson's hold on me, which he loosened.
He nodded. "I'd only you knew how much I do,"
My lips quickly formed a smile and I was probably blushing, since my cheeks were burning. "I love you, too,"
Greyson smiled, rewrapped his arms around my waist, and kissed me passionately. Placing my hand on his cheek, I kissed him back.
Sometimes, it was hard to believe that I could say Greyson Chance was mine. I was just praying that it wasn't some sort of dream I would wake up from anytime soon.
"I'm telling you, you're going to do absolutely fine, darling,"
Today was the day that Greyson and I appeared on Ellen to tell the world about us. And I was so nervous and scared I felt like I was about to drop.
"What if I mess up or something though?" I said, obviously not focusing on the positive side of things.
Greyson just chucked and wrapped his arms around me. "Honey, I'm right beside you every step of this. I'm going on first to talk to her about Truth Be Told, and then after the commercial break we'll call you out."
"But, what if-"
"Greyson!" Jackson, the backstage manager, came up to us. "You're on in five,"
"Thanks, Jack," he replied, and Jackson ran off. This place was seriously like Greyson's second home.
"Please don't worry, sweetheart, everything will be okay, I promise," Greyson softly kissed my lips. "I love you,"
"I love you too," I said, and Greyson kissed me one last time before running off.
Letting a sigh escape my lips, I made my way over to the full length mirror they kept back here. A girl wearing a white dress with a barely see able floral design on it and some sandals, and a brown belt at the waist stares back at me, her hair flowing in waves down her shoulders. I decided not to go too fancy, so I just went simple, which Greyson loved.
I heard an audience clapping, and my gaze went to the television on the wall, showing what was happening on stage. I saw Ellen sitting in her usual spot on the velvet chair to the right of the screen. "Our next guest is always a delight to have, and I found him 2 years ago singing 'Paparazzi' on YouTube, and now he's worldwide, give it up for Greyson Chance!"
The audience clapped and cheered as I watched Greyson walk on stage. He was rockin' his black skinny jeans, a white v-neck, his signature Converse and bullet necklace, and leather jacket. A smile formed on my lips; anything he wore seemed to look absolutely amazing on him.
I watched as Greyson hugged her and sat down. They began chattering about how he's been, and his new album. I seemed to be getting more nervous by the minute. But, I tried to calm myself down for Greyson.
"Miss Rana?" I turned on my heels to find Jackson.
"Yes?" I asked.
"You're on in five,"
That seemed to be his signature line.
I slowly nodded. "Thank you, and where exactly do I go?"
"Follow me, miss Rana,"
"Please, call me Melody,"
He smiled briefly. "Understood,"
He lead me to a small wooded box-like area, with another mirror and some lights. There was no door. This was where all the guests made there big entrance. I swallowed the lump in my throat.
"Ellen will call you out, when she does, just walk on stage,"
I thanked Jackson and he ran off again.
I watched the television again and bit my lip. I guess this was it.

You're My Missing Melody - A Greyson Chance Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now