Chapter 1- Aproach

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Luke's pov:

"Luke can you go deal with him again." My boss said. I already knew who he was.

I rolled my eyes, "Why is it always me who has to deal with this kid? I can do other jobs you know like... I don't know maybe, crime?"

My boss didn't look up from the computer, "Don't complain Skywalker. This is real crime, just with the youth instead. And to answer your question your the my only officer who seems to not be scared of his dad." He grumbled.

Another officer in the corner nodded while snacking on a cookie, "Scary guy, yelled at me. And he tried to take a swing at Han. Cant exactly blame him though. It is Han." He laughed while still looking at his cookie. "How do you keep dealing with that?"

"He doesn't do that. Sure he's a bit grumpy but he usually just apologises and then brings the kid back in and shuts the door. He's never yelled at me or... tried to punch me?" I said. I was confused if we were talking about the same dad because the one I spoke to was sure a bit moody and introverted but always apologetic.

The officers mouth hung open, "How?!" He asked in disbelief. I shrugged my shoulders.

I looked back at my boss, "Can you go now, the entire park is probably spray painted by now." I went to leave, "Oh and also tell the dad when you get there that someone will be having meetings with him and his son every Tuesday to stop the kid from doing this. If he does it anymore he will be in real trouble with the law."

"Sure who's doing that?" I asked.

He slowly turned around in his chair, "You of course?" And with that he shooed me off.

Once I was out of the building I cursed him under my breath. We are the police for fucks sake and none of them can stand up to this fucking dad? He's not armed or anything. I walked through the dark streets making my way over to the park that the kid was vandalising yet again. It's a Monday I can not be bothered today, which may not be the best mindset for a police officer but when you have to deal with this kid every work day and nothing else, it's pretty fucking boring.

Once I finally made my way to the park I saw him right there. I walked up behind him and pulled him up by his collar, "Right come on then." And put the cuffs around his wrists. It's just easier.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Every time."

I looked down at him while we walked back to his house, I had the way memorised by now, "I don't even know why you still do this. You get caught by me every time, nothings gonna change. And then it will just go on your permanent record and then you won't be able to get a job and then-"

"Please stop talking to me old man." He rolled his eyes.

"Old m-? I'm not old." This kid man.

"What are you like forty five?" He questioned looking at me.

"Twenty! I'm twenty five." I said in disbelief. He was being genuine. He genuinely thought I was forty five.

"God. Someone should get you some moisturiser." He murmured looking off to the side.

"You little- you know what I'm gonna forget you said that." I said.

"Probably the dementia from being so old." He laughed.

I had to admit that was pretty good and I did walk into that. I sighed and rang the doorbell. His dad soon came to the door. He looked between me and his kid, "Again?" He sighed. I nodded, "Alright come in." He opens the door wider and let me inside. "Go to your room young man!" He didn't shout but he was stern and his kid did as he said. "Look im really sorry, I don't know what to do he just- he wasn't always like this. He used to be a sweet kid. But then all the bullying and stuff but-" the dad didn't know what to say anymore.

"Don't worry Mr....?" I paused.

"Din. Just call me Din." He muttered embarrassed.

"Din. Alright Din would you mind just sitting down." I asked. I didn't want to be stern or rude as he looked already embarrassed enough. He did as I asked. "I don't really want to pick at you but his behaviour is inexcusable." I sat down across from him. He nodded, "If he does this again he will be in trouble with the law. It will go on his permanent record which certainly isn't good."

"What? Really?" Din asked concerned.

"Unfortunately yes. So the office have decided to send me every Tuesday to work with you and your son to figure out the root of the problem and stop it from happening. I don't want to seem unapproachable to him and Tuesdays are my day off so I won't be in uniform but I am required to do it. I don't want to punish you or him, I want to help him before it's too late and he gets in serious trouble."

"Really? Thank you so much. I don't know what happened to him but since his mother died he just hasn't been the same." His dad sighed.

I saw the kid on the stairs from out of the corner of my eyes, "That will of been hard for him and what I think and I don't mean to intrude but I think he doesn't know how to handle his grief of has never been shown how so used this an alternative." I said gently.

"Have I been so wrapped up in my greif for my sister that I have forgotten to teach my nephew healthy ways to cope? Is this my fault?" I saw a tear from the fathers eyes.

I felt awful for him, him and his son don't need this right now do they. "Well I wouldn't phrase it like that. Your suffering is valid to and you need time to heal but I also think you may need to talk with your nephew? Is he your nephew? Sorry we always presumed he was your son."

"No he's my nephew. When my sister died I got full custody as his father wasn't around." He said through a few tears.

"I see. I'm very sorry for your loss greif is a very tricky emotion. I will pop round tomorrow evening and we can have a proper talk and put some things in place to help."

"None of the other officers will be here right?" He asked.

"If you don't want them there, they won't be there." I smiled.

He smiled with me, "Thank you."

I nodded, "I shall see you tomorrow. Oh and don't be too hard on your nephew." And with that I left.

I spent the entire night thinking about them. Everyone had always thought that this was a case of a trouble maker kid and an aggressive parent who doesn't punish his kid but it isn't like that at all.

1210 words

Straight in with the sad stuff :)

This kid ~ dinluke auWhere stories live. Discover now