Chapter 13- Loved

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Luke's pov:

I had been carefully preparing the meal since ten o'clock this morning and I had only now gotten onto the turkey. It was now three pm and Din would be here any minute now. He had to drop Grogu off at his Nans before he got here.

Just on time I heard a knock on the door. I happily waltzed over and joyfully opens the door, "Hi!" I smiled.

He smiled back at me, "Hi!" He stepped in and I felt worry rush over me. Wouk's he judge my place. He was looking around with a weird expression on his face. He doesn't like it does he? "You haven't got a Christmas tree?" He asked.

Oh. I should of known it would of been something like that, "Oh well, it's a small apartment and I sign usually celebrate anyway so..."

"I knew it!" He reached into his duffel bag, "Luckily I prepared for this!" And he pulled out a mini Christmas tree decorated with little mini star clips.

I raised an eyebrow, "You brought a Christmas tree?"

"Yes I did. Its only a small one." He placed it down next to the TV. "What are you cooking?"

"Well you said you were missing out on a Christmas Eve dinner so I decided to make one myself cor you." I said awkwardly, "I usually just eat microwaveable meals so I make no promises."

"Ooo, can I help?" He asked. I nodded. He came into kitchen where the turkey was cooking took one look at it in disgust and said, "If you cook it like that it wont cook properly. Are you trying to kill me?" He said jokingly.

I mumbled, "Maybe?" He gawked and hit me in the arm.

"Let me do this." And he took control over the turkey. "Everything else looks very well done though! Especially those potatoes. Im impressed for someone who only eats microwaveable meals."

As he organised everything he started talking to me, "So how was work yesterday?" He asked.

I stiffened up and started twiddling my thumbs, "Oh I... I may or may not of quit."

He quickly snapped up hitting his head on the cupboard, "Oh fuck ow!" He quickly turned to me though, "Ow... why did you... ouch... quit?" He asked holding his forehead.

"Oh my god! Let me get you some ice." I went into the fridge got him the frozen packet of peas and wrapped it in a tea towel, while I was going this I said, "Oh well they were very unprofessional, especially about Grogu. I wasn't getting paid for my overtime, I was getting underpaid in General and I generally wasn't valued there. Rents going to be tricky this month but Old man Ben offered me a place at his bar so I should be able to just about cover it." I handed him the ice and he put it on his head.

"As you should though. I would offer you a place at the restaurant but after what I've seen with this turkey... I don't think I should." He laughed. "Ow. Bur seriously good for you, they don't deserve you anyway. Your far too good for them."

When everything was done Dint took over laying the table and everything. So I pulled his present out of the cupboard and placed if under the mini Christmas tree, "What's that?" He asked.

"Its your Christmas present. I thought it would be nice to put it under the Christmas tree." I smile awkwardly.

"Oh!" He said excitedly, he quickly rushed over to his duffle bag and pulled our something covers in red white and green wrapping paper, "Can I put it under the tree as well?"

"I mean... it is your tree." I smiled.

"I was being nice. I was gonna put it under the tree anyway." He put the present under the tree and then went into the kitchen. He came back with two plates of food.

I smiled and sat down at the table with him.

"Thank you for letting me come round by the way. Its... nice. Kind of sucks that I'm not spending it with my family but... mo you know what fuck them your my family now!" He said triumphantly. "Sorry to dull the mood but do you mind if I talk about it?"

I finished chewing my potato then said, "Of course you can."

"Well, last year, as you know, my sister died. We were on holiday in Spain and we were at the beach. My mum had taken Grogu and my brothers kids off to something so we decided to visit the beach while it was calm. I don't like the ocean. When she was there she went into the sea, I didn't follow her obviously, she started drowning. When I realised and finally got there, she had already died. My family never contacted me, it was always viewed as my fault. They never liked my sister as well because she didn't suck up to my parents. Thats why they liked mg brother so much. They never really spoke to me after that in person. The only reason she called me the other day is because she didn't want something to happen to Grogu, which is completely fair."

I had stopped eating and just stood up and walked over to him. I embraced him and he did so to, "None of that is your fault. I don't want you to ever think that please ever. From what I hear you and your sister were close and I know i didn't know her but I just know she wouldn't want you to think its your fault. Please don't think that way about yourself Din. You know its not true." He pulled me in closed lightly crying into my chest.

"Thank you Luke. So much for everything." He cried and I just held him and he held me.

Once we had finished our dinner, Din turned to me, "Now Scrooge!" He said addressing me, "For my final way to bring Christmas cheer to you we are going to watch a Christmas classic! Have you ever seen the muppets Christmas carol?"

"No but I've read the book though." I said.

He put his hand on his chest and pretended like he was going to faint, "Never seen- come on we are watching it right now!" He said grabbing my hand and dragging me into the living room where he realised there was only one seat.

"Ill sit on the floor." I suggested.

"Noooo, its quite a big one seater, im sure we could both squeeze on it.

"I don't think we can but we can try." I laughed.

We actually in fact could. I was partially on top of him and we were practically cuddling but we lay under a blanket with hot chocolate about to start the movie. Then Artoo finally walked into the room and jumped up and lay on Din.

"Oh my God! Is this Artoo?" He asked. I nodded, "Aww aren't you just the cutest little thing." And he pressed play.

By the end of the film Artoo was lying in his bed asleep and my head lay once again on Din's chest. Once the credits started Din turned to me and asked, "Wasn't that just the greatest film of all time?"

Still looking at the screen I said, "Its certainly up there."

He scoffed and tilted my chin so I would look at him, "Um excuse me I cant believe this. Greatest of all time!" He reinstated.

He realised how close our faces were. I looked between his eyes and his lips and im pretty sure he did the same. Before I knew it he grabbed my chin and kissed me. Long and hard and it was amazing. He kissed me until my lips felt numb and I'd forgotten my own name.

Once he finally pulled away he said, "Luke will you move in with me?"

That took me by surprise, "Excuse me?"

"You don't have to or anything. I was just thinking. If you cant rent this place just move in with me. I love you so much. I would do anything." He said.

My mouth hung open, "You love me? But I thought-"

"I was acting clueless I know. I was in denial about my own feelings but I really do love you. I know this is ridiculously quick but will you move in with me? Will you be my boyfriend Luke?" He asked.

I felt like a fanboy in this moment but I said, "Yes yes yes yes just yes!" And kissed him for the second time within a five minute span.

For the first night in my life I fell asleep with someone's arm around some. For the first night in my life I think I experienced true happiness and tranquility. For the first night of my life I felt loved.

1504 words

Oooo la la. Hit you with the angst and the romance. I haven't proof rad this sorry :)

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