Chapter 2- Talking

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Luke's pov:

I had decided to stop off at the office before going to Din's house so I could talk to my boss first. As soon as I walked in Han made his way over to me.

"So... I hear your becoming a therapist for that trouble kid?" He laughed.

"Well I wouldn't say therapist." I said. I didn't really know what I was. I certainly wasn't qualified for this.

"Haha well good luck." He laughed again, "That kid and his dad are right nut jobs."

"It's his nephew actually and I think there might be more to it. You see-" but he cut me off.

"Yeah yeah sure. Anyway Like how's your sister?" He asked putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Did you only talk to me to talk about my sister?" I asked in disbelief.

He smirked at me, "Maybe?" He laughed.

I walked away, "I need to go speak to the boss. Goodbye and stop trying to get with my sister please!" And I walked away shaking my head.

I walked into my bosses office not really knowing what to say. He turned around and looked at me, "You alright Skywalker?".

"Why did you choose me to be a therapist I guess for that kid and his uncle? I'm not trained for this." I asked. I genuinely did not understand.

"Well one, his uncle? Is that really his uncle?" He asked. I nodded. "Anyway his uncle likes you and secondly you have a sociology and psychology GCSE soooo... your a bit better with this then Tony or Han okay? Now shouldn't you get going."

I was about to talk back but then thought it was probably best if I didn't. I nodded and left.

Time skip brought to you by gcse sociology.

I knocked on the door and Din opened it, "Hi." He smiled and let me in. "Should I call him down?" He asked.

I thought about what would be best to do, "No not yet I want to talk to you first and get some background information." He nodded, "Can we sit and chat?" I askedZ

He nodded again, "Of course."

We both sat down on his sofa next to each other. I turned to face him, "I just want to ask a few questions before I speak to your nephew so that I can have a good conversation with him. If you feel the question is too intrusive or rude just say and we can move on. Is that okay?"

Din nodded.

"Okay firstly, what is his name?" I asked. Funny I had been dealing with this kid for almost four months and never known his name.

"Grogu he likes to be called Grogu." He said.

"Likes to be called?" I pried. I knew I was being a bit nosey but I was curious.

"Yes. His name is George but his mother always has this funny thing with names." He smiled, "Called him Grogu and she called me- well that doesn't matter actually."

I nodded, "That's nice. So before this behaviour started did you notice anything off with him? Being snappy, over eating, under eating, isolation? Anything like that?" 

"Now that you mention it he did stay in his room a lot and never really came out of it. He didn't eat much either. Usually just one small meal. Then when all this started he stopped being quiet and became more rude and snappy. I felt bad punishing him when he was grieving but I also didn't know what to do so I just sent him to his room. He always found a way out though." He laughed sadly knowing the severity of the situation.

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