Chapter 9- Arrangement

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Luke's pov:

We spent the rest of the day together, just talking really. It was different now that I didn't have to be like an untrained therapist and it was also kind of nice to talk to him alone. As Din spoke about his work and annoying customers I sat and stared at him thinking about the realisation I had come to earlier.

"Are you alright Luke?" He asked snapping me out of my trance.

"Oh yeah those kind of customers are really annoying aren't they?" I said panicking hoping he would think I was listening.

He laughed, "I was talking about maybe coming over to your place at some point without Grogu so we could maybe... do something. But yeah sure... Are you alright? Is something on your mind?"

"My house?" I was slightly alarmed, I never had anyone around my house, "I suppose maybe I guess."

"We don't have to if you don't want to it was just a thought. Now, don't dodge my question is something on your mind?" He asked tilting his head to the side out of curiosity.

"Yeah," you, "Its not a big deal though." I said trying to deflect him from the topic.

"Are you sure? You looked pretty down since after breakfast?" He asked sitting a little bit closer to me and staring into my eyes concerned.

"No no really." I said. I tried to change the subject, "What time is it?"

"Oh its..." Din looked up at me, "I need to go pick up Grogu from my mums! Do you wanna come with me or...?"

I shook my head, "Best not to. I think you two need to talk maybe." I said and Din nodded in agreement, "Yeah, also Grogu will see me in your clothes again. He was already suspicious the first time, I don't know what he'll think how."

"What would he be suspicious of?" Din asked cluelessly.

I laughed to myself, "It... doesn't matter." And I stood up. He still looked completely clueless and it amused me. "Ill see you on Tuesday. Call me if you need me." I smiled.

"Are you sure you don't want a ride?" He asked picking up his keys from the coffee table.

I didn't want him to see my apartment block, it was a shit hole. I also didn't want to expose him to the city because I just felt like he was too pure to see it. In some sort of weird protective way, "No, I like the walk."

"Only if your sure." He said. I nodded. "Text me when you get home so I know your safe." He smiled.

I felt heat rise to my cheeks. From what? His worry I suppose. No stop! Get out of your head he just cares, "I will." And I left.

Time skip brought to you by ham

I leaned against the side in my kitchen when I was back home eating my microwaveable lasagne while Artoo ate two bowls of cat food. I felt bad about not being there to feed him earlier so I decided to give him double. While I was eating I quickly remembered that I promised Din I would message him. I put my food down and scrambled for my phone to message him.


Im so sorry Din I completely forgot to message you earlier 😭 I got caught up in feeding my cat and... myself that I just forgot.

I was beginning to get worried :) glad your safe though. Can I see this cat your referring to?

*1 image attachment*
His names Artoo

Awww he's so cute! I defiantly need to come round to your house now so I can meet him.

'I would rather you didn't' is what I think about saying but decided against because thats really rude.

Yeah maybe some time. He might hiss at you he's a bit aggressive.

He isn't but I want to try and... scare him off? I really don't want him to see the shit hole I called I house.

Yeah! How about Saturday! Grogu's at his nans for Christmas Eve dinner. She doesn't really want to see me. Ill be all lonely. Could I come over then? Not unless you have plans of course.

Whoah Christmas I forgot about that.

How can you forget about Christmas?

Idk, don't really care for Christmas anymore.

DONT CARE FOR- okay grinch. I will be bringing some Christmas cheer with me on Saturday then. I will have to leave around lunch on Christmas Day though so I can get grogu.

Thats alright, it will be nice to have you here.

Don't know if you'll say the same though.

Yay! Ill see you on Tuesday! Have a nice night.

You too Din :)

Had I really just invited someone round for Christmas? Well he more or less just invited himself round but same thing. I hadn't really done Christmas since I moved out. I never really did it when I was with my uncle either. Leia would usually make something for me and I would do the same for her. But I never really have enjoyed Christmas all that much.

The only thing I usually do on Christmas is buy myself one of the fancier microwave meals from a more expensive shop. I now realise how incredibly sad my Christmas's actually are.

I looked around my apartment and sighed. I didnt want him to see this. It was messy, looked a bit dusty and was extremely boring. While I couldn't change the boring part quickly or at any time at all, I could clean it.

I got to work trying to make it look at least presentable for Saturday. I know it was a few days away but I didn't want to fall behind on cleaning it. And I needed to give myself something to do to take my mind off Din.

It was as I was mopping the bathroom floor that I thought back go something Din had said, 'I'll have to leave early Christmas morning' this meant that he was stopping round. I hadn't realised that. When I went round to Din's and stopped round it wasn't usually by choice. I had either fell asleep or I was blackout drunk. So I was usually on the sofa but he was there on the sofa with me.

I haven't got a big double sofa like Din has and I defiantly don't have a spare room. I could ask him to bring a sleeping bag? Just joking thats a dickhead thing to do. I guess I'll clean my bedroom, he can sleep there and I'll sleep on the single seat in the living room. It might be a bit uncomfortable but it was all I had.

1140 words
I love writing fics set in winter in summer. Makes me miss it though. I hate summer.

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