Chapter 7- Apology

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Luke's pov:

What I had done had plagued me all night. I would completely understand if he never forgave me and never spoke to me again. And I don't expect him to forgive me. Apologies and formalities make me anxious and all of my apologies have been seen as rude or not genuine. I didn't want that with Din. So I did what I do best : research.

From what I googled a good apology consist of :
•A sincere tone
•Acknowledgement of what you did wrong
•Suggesting how you can make it right or asking how you can make it right
•Some form of gift or gesture

So thats what I planned to do tonight when Din (hopefully) opened the door. I decided to make a bit more of an effort putting on a nicer shirt and fancier trousers. I didn't exactly style my hair but I did make it look a bit more presentable. And I had picked up 4 cupcakes from the bakery for them. Chocolate, vanilla, birthday cake and red velvet. They were nicely decorated and even if my apology isnt accepted I hope they like the cupcakes because it took a lot of will power not to eat them.

I made my way over to his house mentally planning what I was going to say and preparing myself for any reaction I could get from him. I really hoped it would be a positive one but I couldn't be sure and its completely fair if it isn't.

While walking I took in the sights a bit more than usual, he lived in an area surrounded by beautiful oak trees with lots of patches of healthy green grass. There was a large blue lake that during night looked majestic. All the houses were unique and had a vintage feel to them. It was peaceful and i didn't feel like I could be mugged wherever I went.

It was a nice change from my loud busy city apartment. Mould growing on the walls, loud sirens at night and the chance of getting murdered when you step out of your apartment certainly isn't fun. I would love to live inn an area like this.

Eventually I arrived at his house and I stood outside the door. I rethought what I was about to do and kept going to knock on the door multiple times only to pull away. I was breathing heavily and paced around with the cupcakes in a small box in my hands.

I had been standing outside for five minutes without knocking until the door just opened and there he stood. It shocked me. "How did you know I was here?" I asked. He just pointed to the window which leads into the living room.

"Oh yes of course. I just came here to say that what I said yesterday was out of line and I shouldn't of pried. What I asked didn't need to be asked at all and I shouldn't of even mentioned it. I do not expect you to forgive me or even speak to me ever agin but I would like to know if there is anything I can do to make it right. I would do anything. I know this doesn't make it okay but I got you these." I handed him the box of cupcakes and squeezed my eyes closed waiting for him to tell me to leave him alone and never come back or something. When he didn't say anything I opened my eyes.

He had a confused expression on his face and just said, "Do you want to come inside?" He said in a questioning tone.

He turned around and walked inside. I followed behind quiet releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding. When we were inside he went straight to the kitchen putting the cakes on the table top and filling the kettle up with water, "I didn't expect an apology this formal." He laughed to himself. "God that was a lengthy apology.

I was confused.

Once the kettle had heated up he pulled out two mugs chucked a tea bag in and poured the boiling water in, "Yeah I was a little hurt by your question but it was mainly because I was surprised that I acted like that. I panicked and thought it would be best to avoid the subject. I cant get mad at you for asking an innocent question." He poured a splash of milk in both and a sugar in one, "Honestly im more in the wrong for leaving you stranded in some random place that was defiantly not your house." He grabbed two plates and put the birthday cake cupcake on one and then said, "which cake would you like?"

I was stunned. I was confused. "So... your not mad?"

"Mad?" He laughed, "I was a little taken aback, and hurt that Grogu had to hear that from some neighbour but I cant be mad at you Luke. Now answer the question, which cupcake?"

Still stunned I said, "Uh... chocolate... please?" I spoke slowly and extremely confused.

"Good. Red velvets Grogu's favourite and if I don't save one for him when he gets back from his nans he wont speak to me again." He put the box with the other two in the fridge. He came in and handed me a mug of tea and put his down on the coffee gable.

"Thank you?" I was still confused how he wasn't angry at me.

He then went off into the kitchen and came back with the cupcakes on the plates, "But I know how you can 'repay' me" he said. My head snapped up from my tea, "You can watch the last of us series with me tonight." He said handing me my cake and then sitting down on the sofa pulling the blanket over him picking up the remote and taking a sip of his tea. He looked up at me.

I titled my head in confusion, "What. Your not mad. Why?"

"Grogu doesn't like zombie shows. Claims they are too unrealistic. Well duh. And I want to watch this show with someone so..." he patted the seat on the sofa next to him, "sit." I did as he asked still silent and wide eyed form shock. "Have you played the game before?" He asked. I nodded. "Good. Lets start then."

And with that he pressed play.

We spent the evening binging the last of us, drinking tea and eating cake. Not how I thought this apology would go to be honest. Throughout the show I found myself getting closer and closer to Din until his arm was around me my head was on his shoulder and his head rested on my head. And we didn't even question it.

1148 words
Awwww cute. I couldn't think of a show so I thought that one would be ironic.

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