Chapter 12- Conflict and comfort

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Luke's pov-

When I went into work on Friday I knew I was going to talk to my boss about getting Grogu a therapist but I had spent most of the morning trying to avoid it. Once I finished my book chapter though I decided it was finally time.

I knocked on the door and heard a muffled, "Come in." And I did just that. "Ah Link!" He smiled turning around in his chair.

"Its Luke." I mumbled.

"Luke, Link, same thing. What can I do for you?" He asked. He's being overly jovial and it is really annoying.

"You know that kid im a makeshift therapist for? Grogu?" I said. I knew he was going to come out with a comment.

"That little git? Ah yes, what's he done now, robbery, drugs? What is it, I'll put it down." There it is.

I looked down at my shoes, "No nothing like that sir, its just that, well I want him to have an actual professional therapist, provided by the council. I think it could really help him."

"And why on earth would we waste the governments money on that when we have you?" He asked.

I clenched my jaw, I was about to do something I hadn't done before, "Well actually sir, what you did was very unprofessional. I am not trained in that field and im not meant to do work like that." He opened his mouth to speak but I stopped him, "To add to that, I did not get paid for my overtime and I also am fully aware I am paid less than all of my co workers. I am not valued at this company and you only keep me round so your not understaffed. I am never sent out to do work ever!"

He looked at me with a livid expression on his face (probably because staff had been talking about their wages), "I think you should watch your tone young man or I'll have you fired." He threatened.

"Actually no, fuck this, I quit!" I took off my badge and threw it down on the floor, "Don't expect me on Monday."

"Nice try, I'll need your two weeks notice first." He said raising an eyebrow to seem threatening.

"Nice try," I mocked, "But that is a curtesy not a legal requirement, so fuck this," I held up my middle fingers and flipped off the room, "and fuck you!" And pointed them directly at him.

I stormed out of his office and everyone stared at me. I presume they heard the commotion and were dying to ask questions but before they could I left and went straight to where I knew I would want to go on a Friday night after quitting my job, Joe's.

I was not going to get blackout drunk tonight seen as Din is coming around tomorrow and its just rude if I do. But a few beers might help.

When I walked in I saw Old man Ben working the bar and felt relief, I really wanted to talk to him. I sat where I had sat the last time I was here. He turned and saw me, "Ah Luke! Nice to see you again. What can I get you? Same as last time."

I shook my head, "No defiantly not after what happened last time. It was very nice though, I'll just have a beer please." I smiled.

It was empty. And it was nice. I heard some soft jazz music playing from the radio and I remember hearing it one time at Din's. God everything reminded me of him. 

Old man Ben put the beer down and front of me and leaned on the counter, "So what's happened."

I drank some and then asked, "How did you know?" I rolled my eyes.

"Your coming into my bar and your under thirty. Obviously somethings wrong." He laughed.

I laughers with him, "I quit my job." He perked up, "Yeah... probably wasn't responsible, don't know how I'm gonna pay my rent but I was pretty much getting payed peanuts anyway. I just... I know they didn't value me and I was just there so they weren't required to hire anyone else who would call them out on their bullshit wages."

"Im sure you'll find a job. And I know it might be a bit of a downgrade but if you are desperate you can always work here, it would be a pleasure to have ya'. And don't worry about it too much, I've always said its better to have no job than a job you hate. You just quit and you already look happier. Thats why I opens my own place, I didn't want to be tied down by capitalist money hungry corporations." He said.

"Thanks Ben," I said sadly smiling while looking at the counted, "that would actually really help. And thats a massive upgrade from my previous job."

"Theres something else isn't there?" He prompted.

"You always know, don't you?" I smiled. I know it might sound corny but Ben felt like a Dad I never had. He was wise and always caring.

He shrugged, "Old man magic I guess. Now tell me what's wrong."

"You know that guy I mentioned last time?" I asked. He hummed. "Well he's coming round Christmas Eve and staying for Christmas and its going to be torture. I want him to love me too but I just, I know he doesn't." I knew I was whinnying.

"How do you know he doesn't love you too?" Ben asked.

"I don't know, he just well... I don't know." I said the took another sip of my beer.

"Sounds like you've gotten in your head Luke. Telling yourself he doesn't love you when
You don't truly know it. I've done it all before. Cody was his name." He reminisced, "He was amazing. So passionate about everything he ever did. So when war came about he lied about his age so he could fight for his country. It was a different time then, I never told him because I was worried he would hate me. Then he died. He got bombed while he was sleeping. He left a letter addressed to me confessing his love. His family didn't hold a funeral for him and never spoke to me out of shame. I don't want that for you. You should tell him young man! If you don't, time may get to him before you can."

That was... sad. I honestly thought Old man Ben was a peculiar man but he wasn't. He was a man who lived to tell so many tales. I didn't want to disappoint him.

"Thanks Ben. Im going to do that. Also I'm so sorry for your loss. Cody sounded amazing." I smiled.

"Oh he was. But no point in dwelling on the past now's. I just try to focus on the future." He smiled. How is Ben so wise? I honestly hope im like him when I'm older.

"Well I think I'm gonna go. I've got a turkey to defrost for tomorrow and I need to make my house look presentable. How much for the beer?" I said pulling my wallet out.

"On the house lad." He smiled.

"No no I can't do that." I said pulling out a note.

"You've just quit your job, its on the house." He smiled warmly.

I looked at him putting my wallet in my pocket, "Thank you so much Ben."

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Honestly I've never really thought about Obi Wan x Cody but I recently read this time travel dinluke fic and it brought it up. I kind of loved if. I might write a fic about it one day.

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