Chapter 3- Crying

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Luke's pov:

It had been a quiet week at the office : no calls about major crimes and no calls about Grogu. I was proud of him I guess. Maybe I'd made him realise the severity of the situation or maybe it was just because he wanted the game (which was a bit superficial you could say but it stopped everything from going onto his permanent record). Today I especially wanted to unpack why he was behaving like this and put some things in place with him and Din that wouldn't punish him or anything but help him.

Okay I can see why I am doing this now.

I knocked on the door with the game in my hand. "Hey." I smiled seeing Din.

"Hi." He smiled seeing me. He looked down as he opened the door, "What's that?" He gestured to the game in my hand.

I began to speak while I walked through the door, "Oh well I promised Grogu last week that if the office received no calls about him this week I would get him action fighter three. There hasn't been any calls so I got him this." I smiled.

"Isn't that... like...bribery though?" He asked.

"You could say that. I just wanted to make sure nothing would go onto his permanent record before I got the chance to talk to him properly and put some boundaries in place. So yeah bribery I guess." I laughed.

"Well that must of been expensive. Action fighter is very niche," he made his way over to the kitchen table top where his wallet was and began digging through it and pulling out notes, "How much was it? I'll pay you back." He insisted.

"No it's fine, I really don't mind. Think of it as a gift for you and Grogu." I made my way over to him leaning on the side next to him, "I heard you both like to play it together."

He smiled, "A police officer being generous and nice, never thought I'd see the day." He laughed to himself.

There are two things I've learned while being in the presence of Din for less than a day. One : he is extremely attractive which I may of forgotten to mention. But my lord, just look at him. His eyes, his hair, his- oh yeah and two, he seems very unsettled by police or the thought of them. All you had to do is observe his body language when they are brought up and you would know.

"I don't mean to be nosey, but do you not like the police? Or feel some sort of distrust for them?" I asked. I knew I was being nosey but again I couldn't help it.

He tensed up, "Oh well I, it's not you or anything I just. Maybe we should call Grogu down. We don't have all night." He panicked. "Grogu!"

And Grogu came down the stairs a little more cheerfully than last week, "Hi."

I didn't want to pry anymore about his distrust so I chose to ignore it, "I would like to speak to you and your uncle together today. Is that okay? Or would you like to talk privately?"

"No thats fine." He wasn't overly joyful or even smiling but he wasn't upset or aggressive. I think that's a good thing.

They both sat down on one sofa and I sat down on the other, "Well first of all you kept your promise so I have to keep up my end of the bargain." I smiled and handed him the game.

He looked up smiling, "No way! Thank you so much." He turned to Din, "Can we play this tomorrow?" He asked excitedly. Din nodded.

"Now, I want to talk about the cause of your behaviour. Sorry if that sounded snarky. Grogu, what do you think the cause of your rebellious behaviour was?" Was I overdoing it? I don't know.

He looked a little uncomfortable, "Well... I guess... it was the, death of my mother..." he said his demeanour immediately changing.

"If your okay with it would you mind telling me about it? You don't have to go in full detail. That is not required." I said gently.

"Well umm, when she you know died I didn't know what to do I guess. Sure my father had left early but id never really been on my own before?" He said in a doubting tone, "I love Uncle Din but, no offence, he can't fill the hole that the death of my mother has left." He began tearing up, "I got to know these kids, they were nice and liked me for me. It felt nice. They did stuff like that and I didn't want to loose them like I lost my mother so I did it to. It was fun and took my mind off of things I guess." He started crying. "I'm sorry I just-" but he ran off upstairs.

Din turned to me, "Should I go get him?"

I shook my head, "I don't want to make it worse. I'm sorry I feel like it's my fault. I didn't want to make him cry, I promise."

Din smiled softly, "I know. It's not your fault, he still doesn't like talking about it, I'm shocked he said that much. He's never spoken to me about it. Thank you."

"If I May suggest something. I don't want you to enforce a strict curfew or harsh rules or anything but this week I would like you to spend a lot of time with him and make him feel seen. Show him there are other ways to cope without crime. Play that game with him, bake, watch a movie. I don't want it to sound isolating but keep him in the house so he can realise he is welcomed here." I smiled.

"I can see why they sent you here." He laughed through a few tears.

I got up and walked over to him putting my hand on his shoulder, "If you need me just text or call me." I smiled, "Have a good week, I'll see you next week."

Time skip brought to you by crying. There will be a lot of it.

I poured cat food into Artoo's bowl while my lasagne was heating up in the microwave. I glanced down at my phone and saw a message from and unknown number.

Hey it's Din.

I smiled.

Hey! Are you alright?

Yeah I just wanted to answer your question from earlier

I straightened up. Is he really going to tell me?

I guess it's just that I like you more because you've never hurt my nephew like the others. I also have had a couple problems with the police in the past (Im not a criminal or anything) just family who have been hurt. I just get uneasy.

Had one of the other guys hurt Grogu? No wonder he doesn't like them.

Of course. I would never do that. If you want me to talk to the guys at work I can.

No I don't want to make it a big deal. I would just rather they didn't deal with Grogu again. Good night.

I'll make sure they don't. Good night x

Sent. Oh shit was the x too much? Did he notice? Does he think I'm a perv now. Oh shit I shouldn't of done that. I shouldn't of...



1240 words

Oooooooo la la.

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