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Bills POV—

I was so happy that Rose was back, love of my life. I knew what I had done to her was fucked up, even after I told her I loved her and so on.

I meant everything I said in that note and I meant all the things I've said to her.

Clearly we were in the middle of make out sex before Tom interrupted but give me a moment to get back to Rose and the whole situation.

I never thought I would see Rose again, that's why I left that note and expressed my feelings before we left.

I'm in love with Rose.

When she rejected coming with us, that's when I figured she would never see us again.

I know that's a bad assumption but we live in Germany and she didn't have a lot of money, I knew she'd give her mom the money that I gave her so that's why I'm confused.

I used Ella to get over Rose, after a little I saw Lilly and Tom get super close and lovey so I assumed that maybe it would just magically happen with Ella and I, but no. She wanted Tom.

Everyone wants him.

Ella and I never had sex either, we only kissed and cuddled which is just as bad to break someone's heart like Rose, but my connection with Rose was much stronger and better.

Not only because her and I had sex, and I know I was her first. But because she was just everything I wanted in a girl and someone I genuinely felt something with.

Her little temper, with temper tantrums, her purposeful attempts to make me jealous, her beautiful big eyes with the glasses, her extremely caring side knowing that she can't hurt someone's feelings, her frame.

She was curvy yet skinny, she was still shorter than me so I could look down at her beautiful face yet not too short so I couldn't even kiss her, It was more than I could ask for.


Lilly and I were in the car to go get Tom, after he drove home the cops came to our door and I was mad, he could've done anything besides punch a paparazzi.

Lilly was my best friend, I had seen her naked and we are extremely close.

I could never have any feelings towards her like that, only Rose.

I'm surprised I haven't even told her about Rose yet, none of the guys even mentioned her, not even Tom and Rose was his best friend.

Lilly and I storm into police station and there Tom is, sitting in the chair manspread, with cuffs on.

He immediately smiles when he sees Lilly.

I just wanted to leave so I walked up to the desk.

"Bail is 15 thou—"

"I don't care, take my card and bail him out and give me my brother back." I shove my card in their face once again, and the desk guy scoffs at me and takes it.

"Tom Kaulitz has to get his mugshot taken, so you will get him back after that." The desk guys scoffs again and shoves my card in my face.

This bitch has some fucking nerve.

I snatch my card back and sit while we wait for his mugshot to be done.

15 minutes later he finally came out, how the fuck does it take that long to take a picture.

What a waste of 15 thousand.

"Tom you cost me 15 thousand dollars." I scold him, as I'm trying to drive home to my beautiful Rose.

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