Call Me 'Hia Win'

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Ari's idea of Win facing his fears hadn't worked. Surprise! Instead, the whole ordeal had warped Win's nightmares into something much worse—now the human joined him. Each night, the dream repeated in horrifying detail. The swimmer he rescued from the pool is attacked and dragged away from Win's sinking form. No matter how much Win thrashes, he can't break free, can't reach him, can't save him. As Win's own life fades away, he watches helpless to stop the other's end.

"We both die in my dreams."

Win had told Ari after she shook him awake, no longer able to hold it inside.

His waking hours weren't safe either, thoughts of the human or his dreams taking up too much space. Consciously ignoring it was useless, his mind always circled back. Win didn't understand how their brief encounter had impacted him so fully. He wondered if the boy was alright. Wondered if he hurt his fragile body by trying to help him. Wondered if the experience was weighing on him as heavily as it was on Win.

He hoped not. Win would rather bear it for the both of them if he could.

Against his better judgment, Win wanted to see him again. Maybe, he reasoned, if they met under better circumstances and he showed his subconscious there was nothing to worry about then it would let him rest? Stop the jumble of thoughts? Allow his nightmares to return to normal? Permit Win to move on from it, for both their sakes? It was worth a shot.

Back again for a second trip down memory lane, Win stood in the shadows cast by the bright overhead lights of the university pool. Another late night. Touching the gate, Win was relieved to hear two voices filter out from the pool deck. Faintly, that same heartbeat strained in effort but not from danger.

"Guess you got your extra practice." Win smiled as he pivoted away from the gate. He remembered earning a few punishing sessions himself when he was a member of the club.

Returning to his task, Win cut down the alleys leading away from campus, he wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

Win didn't need to hunt, none of them technically did since there were other ways to stay fed. Modern times meant vampires weren't bound to the shadows, lying in wait or sneaking up on people. Some still did, old habits died hard, but no, it wasn't necessary. Instead, the vampires struck a hidden bargain—they drank their fill while the humans kept their lives, and all without ever knowing the fangs met their necks.

Truth was... Win enjoyed hunting. Beyond the satisfaction he derived from it, seeing desire reflected back from the eyes of a stranger fed his ego. In exchange, he bent the other's perception toward pleasure and not pain. Flirting allied with alcohol delivered hopeful humans into his grasp.

And that was what Win's role as a vampire was, a professional flirt. Entertainment and part of the landscape.

Employing the same charms in undeath as when he was alive, Win acted as a plant among the throngs of people visiting the vamp-owned bars and clubs. Using their smiles and powers of persuasion to craft the illusion, vampires worked the crowds while skimming a little extra off the top. Both benefited. Humans had a good time and a memorable night out, vampires got a cut of the profits and their hunger(s) sated.

He understood the allure. Not unlike the patrons he flirted with, Win lost himself to the perpetual party in the beginning.

Confines of his previous life gone, Win had surrendered to his new instincts and the sensations stirring within him. For the first time, he felt free. Never mind that he craved and drank blood. He appreciated every drop as it thundered through his veins, clouding his head stronger than any drug could. The connection to the crush of bodies writhing and roiling around him was equally addicting. Win basked in their heated energy as it crackled across his skin. Contrary to what he had expected those torturous months after turning, Win's kinship with humanity strengthened after leaving it.

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