To Tie A Tie

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Team ran his thumb over the outline of the little plastic bear in his pocket. Throughout the day, his hand returned to trace the figurine, smiling at what it represented. In consideration of their new relationship status, Win had given him a key, tethered to the bear. He kept different hours than Team. He wouldn't always be there, or awake. This way Team could come and go as he pleased.

With swim practice over, Team had shouldered his heavier-than-usual backpack. If he planned to spend time with Win during the week, he couldn't continue to borrow his clothes. Win's casual clothes were fine and fit Team; he had already worn those. But nothing Win owned passed for a school uniform. If it wasn't a t-shirt and jeans, then it was something Team could only describe as "suggestive couture."

The key slid into the lock and Team entered the shared vampire house. After kicking off his shoes in the entryway, Team spun and smacked solidly into the person watching him. A small "oof" left his lips before he met the severe squint of Sert. The man who became Win's "brother" stared at him, arms crossed over the front of his uniform.

"Oh, Phi! Excuse me!" Team quickly bowed in greeting and apology. The two had not yet met and the surly vampire had caught Team entering his home.

"You must be Team." Sert's scowl endured. "The reason chips, soda and instant noodles clog our shelves."

Sert had done a double take when he found cans of soda lined up in a neat row of their refrigerator, right beside their blood packs. The culprit also had a key, did he?

"Heh. Yeah... sorry." Team scratched at the back of his neck, Sert's eyes still studying him like a bug under a magnifying glass. But what else was he supposed to do? He needed something to eat while there. Team wasn't saying Win's family weren't good hosts, but their cabinets were rather barren.

"Don't eat that crap." Sert's scowl morphed into a smirk as he pushed past Team. "Have Win cook for you. A good boyfriend would make sure you're eating well." Sert gave Team one last glance, a hint of mischief on his face, before leaving.

"Huh?" Team asked the empty foyer after the door shut. 

How could Win prepare human food for Team if it made him feel ill? Also... Sert knew about his relationship with Win?! Team pondered this as he ascended the stairs.

Team walked to the one bedroom whose door frame didn't match the others in the house. He kept forgetting to ask Win about it. The rest of the house mirrored the modern minimalist style of the exterior. The type of place where you question whether people actually live inside it or it's a model. For such a blemish to exist—stark, bare wood across from high-gloss black—there had to be a story behind it.

Before Team could turn the doorknob, the door swung open to reveal his smiling vampire boyfriend. No doubt his sharp hearing had informed him of Team's arrival. 

Win grabbed Team's arm and pulled him inside. His excitement had built and built ever since Team messaged him that practice ended. Now he was practically bouncing.

"I met Sert," Team said while Win removed the backpack from his shoulder. Win made a sound in the back of his throat and rolled his eyes. 

For what Win had in mind, he did not want to think of his old, dried-out sibling. Win's fingers found their way to Team's collar and popped the lapels up.

"He said something that didn't make sense." 

Win hummed in question, loosening the janky knot Team secured his tie with. Unnoticed by the other, Win's eyebrows creased in frustration as he shot a disapproving look at Team. Lost in his own thoughts, Team ignored Win. That worked in his favor.

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