Turning Point

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As the lively conversation in the kitchen drew to a close, the pair returned to Win's room. Team's stomach had piped up again, the noodles earlier not making a dent while the supply of his human snacks ran low.

"If I'm stuck here, I need things. Food. My laptop," Team explained, arms crossed in what was fast becoming their bedroom.

"Order groceries online. They'll be delivered."

Team huffed in protest. Win had been a vampire for so long he had forgotten the simple pleasure of scanning the aisles for treats while hungry!

(In truth, Win just didn't want to look washed out under the harsh lighting.)

"And my computer? Clothes?"

"You can use my stuff," Win said, eyes not leaving his computer.

"Hia, it is not the same. Come on, meet me halfway. I didn't know this was going to happen." If Team agreed to have food delivered, the least Win could do was take him to the dormitory for his personal items.

Win sighed as he closed the lid on his laptop and pushed back from his desk. Ari had said to keep him happy and Win didn't want him to feel like he was being punished.

"Fine, but we can't make it a habit, and it has to be quick."

"Yes!" Team celebrated the minor victory as Win rifled through one of his drawers.

"Here. Wear this when we're there." A duplicate of the black mask Win wore the night he tutored Team in his dorm settled into his hand.

"Why would I need to hide my face?"

"Call me paranoid." Win placed a bucket hat on top of Team's head and smiled. "Cute. I knew I bought this for a reason."

Off came the hat as Team growled his frustration at him. He was always "cute," or "adorable," Win squeezing his chubby cheeks. Even Ari had referred to him as "cute." If he could just grow up a bit more...

Team shoved the mask into his pocket while Win corralled his blonde hair under a backwards ball cap. He always looked handsome, no matter what he did. Yeah, fine, he was jealous of Win. He could admit it to himself. Even in a plain t-shirt and nondescript ball cap, he made Team's heart skip a damn beat. It was completely unfair.

He shook off the thought, returning to his excitement from going to his dorm room. That was unexpected. To look forward to seeing it again, going outside, and breathing some fresh air. Reclaim a sliver of normalcy in the midst of everything. Before Team booked it out of the door and down to the garage, Win stopped him.

"What, Hia?"

"You have to, before we go." Team didn't catch Win's meaning until he waved his wrist in the air. Oh right, the vampire insurance policy.

Win couldn't bite his own neck, obviously. Couldn't grow claws on a whim and slash a nail over the skin there. This left them with Team clutching Win's forearm, drawing on the wound framing his pulse. The blood didn't care that they both weren't out of their minds with passion. Shivers ran up Team's spine, bowing him closer to Win. Energy crackled over his skin and darkened his thoughts. Anticipation and the need for more rose, unconcerned that they were fully clothed and leaving on an errand.

Team sucked and licked at Win's flesh until the richness of his blood disappeared. Possibly a little longer. Win eyes locked onto the flicks of Team's tongue as he ran it over his own lips and Win's wrist. The other had no idea how sexy he was. How much power he held over Win or the fantasies that filled his head.

"This is going to be so difficult." Win pressed a palm against the door at Team's back. "I never thought watching someone drink my blood would turn me on this much."

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