A Taste Of Fear

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Team drifted on autopilot, the shakedown with Win weighing heavily on him. Win never received his messages or tried to contact him, supporting Team's hunch about being blocked. He knew what he said, but the abrupt shift still stunned him. He reread their chat late at night, swiping his thumb up the screen to see if new messages loaded. They never did. Team considered going to Win's home, but thought better of it. There was no guarantee Win would entertain a visit, anyway. It was obvious he did not want to speak to him.

Curiosity had replaced Team's initial shock, though with a little fear. He couldn't help it. The part of his brain rooted in survival lit up when he dwelled on what vampires represented. Team's limited internet research only frustrated him more. Pop culture's portrayal of vampires ranged from campy to horrific. He knew the basic tropes, but nothing seemed to resonate with what he had experienced. Other than the reflective eye business, Win didn't appear drastically different from him. He didn't remember seeing fangs either, and that was a hallmark of vampires. Without those, maybe Win didn't even bite people? The one vampire he knew in real life grew tame when compared to the fictional ones.

Team's quest for answers soon outpaced his lingering trepidation. Calix, where Team had seen Win that night, tempted him. He wanted a glimpse of Win. Evening detours after swimming practice led him closer and closer. The presence of plenty of people in a public setting bolstered Team's bravery. Emboldened him so much he found himself sitting at that same bar with that same droning bass playing in the background.

He didn't know what he would do if he saw Win. One part of him meant to wish him well from afar, satisfied to see he was okay. The other part of him wanted to apologize, to ask him a million annoying questions, and pick up where they left off. So far, neither had happened. The pretty bartender from before sauntered up to him.

"Hello, again." She smiled sweetly down at Team. He brightened at being remembered, quick to greet her. If Win worked here, then the bartender knew him.

"Phi. Has Win been around?" The words tumbled out, showing the truth of what Team desired.

"No, he hasn't. Not for a while."

"Oh. Thanks, Phi." Team couldn't keep the disappointment from his face. After he had gone and worked up the courage, too.

"Hmm? What's this?" She donned a conspiratorial grin and edged closer to Team. His eyes lit upon her canines, the tips suspiciously sharper than the rest of their neighbors. Shit. He hadn't noticed that before. Win's were sharp too, weren't they?

Team leaned back in the seat. "What's what?" He asked, hoping he masked the nervousness creeping in.

"Someone likes our Win." She squinted at him. Team's heart beat rapidly under her scrutiny, his anxious gaze returned to her teeth.

"Huh." Her smile deepened, the "hidden" fang on display.

She appraised him for a beat before her demeanor snapped back to the role of pleasant and flirty bartender. She beamed at him and filled a tall glass with ice. Her hands expertly mixed the cocktail before topping it with a lemon wedge. She slid it in front of Team.

"Here. On the house." She bowed her head toward Team. "I'm Dao. Win's friends are my friends." And with that, she sashayed away from him.

Team blew out a breath and stared at the drink. He took a tentative sip and relaxed, realizing there was nothing weird in it. Dao made it in full view of him, after all. He was pretty sure it was what he ordered the last time he was here, but waaaay stronger. Dao didn't believe in watering down her friends' drinks, apparently.

As the warmth of the alcohol spread through him, he wondered why Win had stayed away. His fault, probably. Did Win want to avoid him so much that he no longer came here? Bummed about the failure of his mission, Team finished his drink. Dao's potent mix made him sway. Team followed the source of a tap on his shoulder. Dao had appeared in front of him again, and nodded her chin toward the door.

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