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Team groaned as he flopped down on his bed, exhausted and irritated. Win's kiss and tie tutorial had been the highlight of his day. If he had known how the rest of it would go, he would have stayed in the safety of his vampire's arms.

The day had steadily gotten worse since leaving Win. His teacher returned his latest English assignment to him, but it was unrecognizable from the red ink soaking it. He had felt more confident with that one! Felt that he had made some progress with his friends' help! Nope. And then there was the matter of the pop quiz. He almost missed it because of the extra travel time from Win's house. Team knew he failed and could imagine the disappointed looks on everyone's faces already. He had meant to read through his notes last night, and well, that didn't happen.

He beat his fists against his bed. If he didn't turn his grade around soon, he would be off the swim team. Why did he have to learn stupid English, anyway? Why was it a required class? None of his other grades suffered, only this one! One dumb class and it had the power to end his swimming aspirations before they even started.

Team rolled over on his bed, feeling miserable.

He owed it to his parents. He owed it to himself. Team wanted to fulfill his promise to Ton, his cousin who could no longer cheer him on. And for Win, in a way? They hadn't discussed Win's departure from the sport. Win quickly changed the subject whenever Team brought it up. Or placed the focus back on Team and his performance.


And, of course, Team's splits were garbage today, too. No matter how hard he tried, his times worsened. With their meet approaching, Dean, Phruk, and Coach pushed them harder, securing those last gains before tapering. Groans and complaints filled the locker room after practice ended. Team's body was exhausted and felt like it was crumbling. He had stayed up too late, again. The future implications of his new relationship had spun in his mind, delaying sleep. Thoughts of aging past Win had twisted his stomach while he tossed in Win's bed, waiting for him to return. The mental and physical fatigue Team had brought on himself joined the pessimism from his class.

His friends did notice his perfect tie this morning, though. That was nice. Pharm and Manaow had complimented him on a job well done, except all he had accomplished was ogling Win while the vampire tied it. The truth made Team blush while a sheepish smile crossed his lips. No one else said a word about it.

Team touched it, a new habit formed since that morning. Whenever he had felt stressed, he wound the cloth around his fingers. He gently loosened it, a departure from how he usually tore it off and flung it to the floor. In the past, it would lay forgotten until the next morning when he fought to release the atrocious knot and "try" again. He slipped it over his neck and placed it on the hook usually reserved for his backpack. Team couldn't bring himself to unravel what Win did. The tie held meaning now. A memento.

He knew he was being silly. It was just a strip of fabric, not a talisman. Yet he kept staring at it with a light smile. The buzz of his cell phone cut through his daydream.

>>>Win: How was class?

Team groaned at the message. Win meant well, but, man, did his timing suck. Wiped out, this was the last thing Team wanted to talk about. He wanted to ignore the homework waiting in his backpack. Ignore the fatigue in his muscles and emptiness of his stomach. Couldn't he just fall into bed and sleep, preferably with Win at his side? The lack of safety and comfort of the other magnified Team's restlessness, Win leaving his imprint on him. Team sighed and picked up his phone.

>>>Team: Not great

>>>Win: ???

Begrudgingly, Team recounted his crappy day to his boyfriend, further procrastinating rest. But talking about it did make him feel better. Win's experience was greater than his in this area, too. He reassured Team, telling him not to worry, and reiterated his offer to help. Team both needed and appreciated it. He had wanted to ask about it but was self-conscious, remembering how frustrated his best friends would get with him.

>>>Team: Can you come over tomorrow night then?

>>>Win: Of course 😘

With the stress of his day dissipated somewhat, Team closed his eyes. In less than twenty-four hours, he would get to see Win again. He could hang on until then. Team hoped his nightmares would allow him to sleep more than what usually counted as a nap.

Win smiled and set his phone on his desk

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Win smiled and set his phone on his desk. Tomorrow, Win would meet his boyfriend at his college dorm to study English. The normalcy of the situation almost made him laugh. Team even lived in his old dormitory. Win wondered if he would get nostalgic from being inside the building. He hadn't seen his dorm room again after the morning preceding his death. Sert had gone while Win battled his inner demons. He had been glued to Ari's side, her blood keeping him either sane or asleep. The busted latch of the sliding glass door, which aggravated Win to no end as a human, provided Sert with easy access. He grabbed a few important items, the picture on Win's bookshelf being one of them. Win wondered what his family did with the rest of his stuff.

Win sighed heavily, the memories threatening to gnaw at him. He shook himself before jogging down the hallway, refusing to dwell. Tutoring Team was a good thing. Their relationship was progressing. And Win couldn't wait to see him again. The blare from the television reached Win's ears—Sert hadn't left yet.

"Why are you still here?" Win asked as he opened their refrigerator. A persistent human habit; the contents of the refrigerator didn't change. Except for Team's soda, but that was new and Win knew about it. He stifled a gag and closed the door. Win was over the donated blood. Plus... Team wasn't here, so he couldn't harass Win about hunting.

"Night off."

"Mm. Come out with me." Win pulled himself up to sit on the marble island in the middle of the kitchen, his legs swinging back and forth.

"You?" Sert regarded him from the comfort of the couch, the disbelieving squint crinkling the skin around his eyes. "Why?"

Win shrugged. "We haven't hunted together in years. Could be fun."

Sert shifted where he sat, the full weight of his stare on Win.

"What?! Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I'm trying to figure out what your angle is." He shook his head and returned to his news program and notebook.

Win hopped down. "No angle. Come on, Phi. Please?" Win whined.

Sert groaned. "I hate you." But yet he stood up and clicked off the television.

"You do not. Go. Get dressed." Win pushed him toward the stairs. "You can't hunt in your pajamas." Win thought for a moment, watching Sert's back as he trudged toward his room.

"And we're not doing any of your vigilante shit!"

"And we're not doing any of your vigilante shit!"

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Poor Team. Bullied by English. I feel you, bro. Even as a native speaker, I still get things wrong.

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