A Promise Kept

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"Hia, please? You promised me."

For the second night in a row, Win had rolled out of bed and planted his ass in his desk chair. Groggily, he opened the lid of his laptop and went straight to his online university's email account. He scrubbed at his face, homework for his Foundations of Business Analytics class having dogged him even behind closed eyelids. Despite his work the previous night, he felt like he hadn't gotten very far; more questions arising about data structures and algorithms than he cared for.

"Hmm?" Win's brows furrowed, still tired.

"The pool. You promised to take me," Team said. And my meet is tomorrow morning!

Pharm and Manaow hadn't pressed him, yet Team grew restless. He had thought for sure Win would take him the previous night, which would have given him more time to contemplate in secret. Scheme in secret. Instead, Team had stared at Win's back while he groaned and huffed through his assignment. It wasn't like he could help, so Team had wandered around the house unattended. He did at least do some exercise and mobility work in the home gym the vampires had while Win's nose stayed buried in his screen.

"Can't we go tomorrow?" Win suggested, hoping to strike a compromise, but the look on Team's face wasn't giving him hope. He guessed his assignment could wait a little longer. The deadlines were open-ended, but even vampire professors didn't have limitless patience.

"Alright. Get your stuff together, but you owe me a 'pick me up' before we go." If Win couldn't have a hit of coffee or espresso, he could at least get a hit of Team. Donated blood helped, but it was always better from the source, and Win had limited his drinks to small sips. He could take a bit more safely—Win hadn't abused Team's willingness or their time together.

A flush colored Team's cheeks, catching Win's meaning. Guess they couldn't dart out the door with the threat still looming outside. And Win did look exhausted. Shadows formed under his eyes from replacing the stress of Team's hostage status with stress from his schoolwork. In contrast, Team hadn't touched his books in days and welcomed the break.

Win bound his hair up into a knot at his crown after leaving his desk's side. Team waited, his swim trunks and goggles already retrieved from the drawer Win cleared for him. He chewed a finger, staring at his wardrobe. Beyond a handful of times, Win hadn't gone to the indoor pool catering to his kind in quite some time. Team's hands slipped around his waist as Win tried to remember where the damn things could be. There were only so many—

The soft presses of Team's lips along his neck didn't jog Win's memory any faster. Since the night they went to the dormitory, both agreed to not hold back when it came time to share blood with each other. Vampiric blue balls weren't fun to recover from, for either of them. And what the blood wanted, it usually got, flooding them both with endorphins. Made sense from a survival standpoint—good way to perpetuate a species that couldn't conceive in the conventional sense.

Team faced him, brown eyes gazing into his, sparkling with a mix of love and lust. He bared his neck as Win cradled his jaw. The dastardly points drove into the yielding flesh, a little gasp escaping from Team's lips. Win couldn't lose himself, couldn't drink deeply, like in the hidden nooks of the clubs. Couldn't have Team fall limp and sleepy in his arms. Oh boy, he would never hear the end of it if he did that. No, Win would keep his promise. Team's breaths deepened, pleasure met and surpassed as he quieted from the greater tax paid.

As Win's body absorbed and integrated Team's blood, he felt rejuvenated. Tiredness held at bay while his head cleared, beyond the arousal swelling for the one clinging to him, anyway.

"I took more. You should too." Win's voice was cottony in Team's ears. Distant though no space existed between them. Team had a moment to airily realize that was why he felt like he needed a nap. Win had actually fed from him, similar to how A-wut had that night. Win tipped their lips together, Team's kisses sluggish. Through the haze, the familiar pressure of Win's wrist against his mouth parted his lips. This would be so much easier if he had sharp teeth like Win. If Team could run a string of kisses over his skin, piercing at his leisure. The blood welling up and flowing down his tongue without Win's help. Taking as much as he wanted whenever he wanted.

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