A Love Of Pain

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This is a side story to provide some background to Win and A-wut's relationship. Also provides tiny bit of context for subspace and why they hate each other. As if y'all didn't need more reasons to hate him, here are a few more. (I plan to turn this into a prequel. At some point.)

Win's rocky start was finally behind him

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Win's rocky start was finally behind him. He hadn't relapsed in months, and the trio breathed a collective sigh of relief that he was finding his way as a vampire. The blood was no longer something he hated and fought against. The blame aimed at his vampire body for its reaction dissolved. Win relaxed into his new freedom. He held all the keys to his own future, no longer subject to the litany of responsibilities of his old life.

As he made up for missed opportunities, Win realized he struck gold. In the past, his jealousy rose hearing about the exploits of those around him. He couldn't partake because of being pulled in so many directions. Now, as a vampire, he could let loose. Awash in a sea of people, music drowned out his own thoughts. This wasn't "hunting," he didn't need to work for it. This was a buffet.

Rave culture and Bangkok's thriving nightlife ensured there were always humans in varying states of intoxication at his fingertips. Darkness and strobing lights hid his fangs while Win took what he wanted. He wasn't the only clubrat vampire snaking their way through the gyrating masses feeding as they pleased. The feel of their stares on him inflated his ego—desired by his own species.

Hungry eyes no longer content to observe him from afar, inevitably closed in. Both fed and riding their highs, Win experienced the carnal pleasures unique to vampires. Fangs pierced his own neck as he met his release with strangers he would probably never see again.

Win had transcended humanity with all of its consequences and inhibitions. He knew truths of the world most humans would die never learning. Gifted with strength and power, his body was no longer fragile. Weak. No one could hurt him again.

His cockiness blinded him—his heart and mind weren't nearly as invincible as his flesh.

The first inkling that Win fucked up was when A-wut choked him. The one-night stand that he couldn't shake. Kept coming back to. A conquest gone off course as he was the one dominated. Crossing the threshold into subspace erased the fear for the hand clamping down on his throat. A-wut pushed his boundaries, gave Win something no one ever had. A part of his brain lit up as he fell under the control of the other. Win floated beneath the grip and silently willed his lover to squeeze tighter. To let the stars bloom in his vision, blood rush in his ears and this new headspace morph his pain into ecstasy.

To take it away, if only for a little while.


Win's brokenness made it easy for A-wut to bend him toward dependency. To provide an escape. No matter how he distracted himself with meaningless hookups, and the drug-like addiction he had developed for blood, Win's wounds from the past year remained. A-wut's subtle training began from their first night together. Nurturing the reliance that would keep driving Win back into his clutches.

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