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Win killed the engine of his bike after parking at Team's dorm. The early evening was busier than he would prefer, students crisscrossing too close as dusk deepened. He silently hoped no one would recognize him. He had no way to know if the same people from years ago still worked in his old dormitory. Win couldn't waltz through the main entrance, acting as if nothing happened. He could vamp his way past the guard and sign in, but there were cameras. Those couldn't be compelled to forget.

He hastily looped a mask over his ears after securing his motorcycle helmet. A black baseball cap followed to hide his hair. He felt ridiculous, but didn't see another option. To his relief, Team confirmed that the old "smoker hangout" behind the dorm remained the only camera blind spot. Not that Win was complaining, but it was sort of an oversight. Everyone had known about it, including building management.

Win rounded the corner, the familiar path he had taken a few times, praying for the door to be propped open. Anything to avoid ingratiating himself to the guard for missing the dorm curfew. Team stood with the door resting against his shoulder, waiting for him. He bit back a laugh when he saw Win in his "disguise."

"You look like a B-rate celebrity hiding from the paparazzi," Team said after the door shut behind them.

"Ha ha. I can't exactly walk in the front," Win said as they started their climb up the stairs.

"Can't you just y'know"—Team wiggled his fingers in front of his face—"your way in?"

"Yeah, but the cameras are the problem."

Win's words rekindled a memory. Team had never asked him about the footage from the pool. It had gotten shoved to the side with everything else which followed. Now it made more sense.

"So you did tamper with the video that night."

Win turned to Team, his eyes peeking from under the brim. "Huh? Oh. Yeah, I did. What floor are you on?"

Team groaned as he trudged upward with heavy feet. "Ten."

Well, that's a coincidence, Win thought. He had lived on the tenth floor too.

"I should leave you here and go take the elevator," Team whined. He was still tired from the past few days, lack of sleep not helping.

"I could carry you." Team's horrified expression almost made Win scoop him up regardless of what he said. Would be worth pissing him off.

"No, Hia! I'm not a damsel in distress."

Win pinched a chubby cheek. "You sure?"

Team massaged where Win had squeezed him. Seven flights to go... An idea struck Win.

"Race you to ten?" Team glared at Win, the promise of more exercise not enticing.

"How is that fair?" He asked, knowing he was no match for Win.

"I promise I won't use any tricks."

"Fine." Team huffed as they stopped at the next landing. It would make the time go faster, at least.

Team counted them down. "3... 2..." Team hesitated as he peeked beside him. Focused on the goal, Win waited for the last number. Team bounded up the stairs, leaving Win behind him. "1!" He hadn't agreed to no tricks.

"Hey!" Team laughed as he heard the complaint from below him.

Win was going to let Team beat him anyway, but was a little surprised to be dating a cheater. A few minutes later, Team slapped the door of the tenth floor, panting. Win arrived a second behind him, not winded.

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