Mane Event

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Team had laid his trap, all of his preparations in place.

His shopping trip had been a success. Except for when he wanted to hide under a rock as the cashier rang up his—ahem—supplies. He had slapped the money down on the counter and told them to keep the change, not making eye contact. Team even sun-proofed his dorm room, a ploy to keep Win in bed beside him.

He also sorta lied to Win. Sorta.

Team explained how he wanted to make up for their first date. The one Win planned, and he messed up. He did want to make it up to Win and felt guilty, but Team wasn't sure that this counted. With his last two English assignments receiving near perfect marks, he also wanted to thank Win. Though... could what came after the prank be considered a thank you?

To add insult to injury, Team asked Win to dress up. He didn't know why he did this, as he was certain to pay for it later. Abusing his boyfriend privileges would not pass without consequence. The fact almost egged Team on, curious what the other would come up with.

Team waited at Chong Nonsi station for Win, more butterflies in his stomach than usual. Right on time, Win rounded the corner toward their designated meeting spot. The confused look on Win's face was clear, even at this distance. Team wore a regular t-shirt, distressed jeans and his trademark red sneakers. His guilt increased the closer Win came—the vampire had taken great care with his appearance. Win's shirt resembled what he wore that first night in Calix—black, svelte, but not shiny. It hung open to his chest, a silver chain glinting against his pale skin. His hair was loose, framing his face. The type of style that took effort to appear effortless. Team caught a faint whiff of cologne after Win stood in front of him. Damn. Win had even changed the jewelry adorning his ears. His hand came up to touch the unmoving blonde strands. Yep, Win had used hair product just as he suspected. Oh, Team was so, so dead.

"You're... not dressed up." Win bit his lip as he squinted at Team, smelling a rat.

"Oh, did I tell you to dress up?" Team laced Win's hand with his and led them away from the station. 

"You did..."

"Hmm, I don't remember," Team said as he tugged Win down a few narrow alleys. He appraised Win from the side, the sight of him too good not to stare a little. "Not that I'm complaining." Team let his eyes linger on Win's chest before grinning up at him.

"What are you up to?"

Team shrugged and Win had no choice but to follow along. He searched for clues but wasn't finding any from their surroundings. A bistro with lush plants and lion statues in front came into view. Oh, Win thought, this must be... Team yanked him past that too. And then... Win's blood ran cold.

A statue of a white horse, no—a unicorn, was underneath the gaudiest awning Win had ever laid eyes on. It reminded him of the rainbow stickers the girls in primary school went crazy over. In big bubble letters it read, "Unicorn Café." Team smiled at him, no doubt enjoying the shock rolling across his face.

"We're here," Team proudly announced. 

Win had been tricked, though, he had to hand it to Team. He scored an A+ on the perfect setup. 

Team dragged Win inside, giving him no chance to protest. Manaow's photos hadn't done the café justice. It was much brighter and garish in person. The only surface not adorned in rainbows, unicorns, or the rainbow color-scheme was the pale pink floor. As Team led them to the counter, Win leaned in close.

"You are in so much trouble," Win said so only Team could hear. 

The "threat" held no bite. Team's grin broadened, pleased to know his prank was succeeding. They both greeted the shopkeeper before Team launched into the next part of his plan. Even she matched the outrageous colorway of the hidden café.

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